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Daniel stood behind the counter as he greeted another customer as they walked in.

He had managed to get a night job at the convenience store near his home and so far, it wasn't that bad. He hadn't encountered any people who have caused him problems and hopefully, it would stay that way.

The customer walked to the back to probably buy a drink, allowing him to move his focus on the work he had been doing earlier.

He opened up a box of ramen packs, ready to put them on the shelf but the bell above the entrance door chimed, indicating more customers had arrived.

"Wel...come." He had prepared his practiced smile but it died away as he took in the fact of who had come inside the store.

They were dressed in a sort of fashion that would have them resembling an adult but their efforts were in vain as unknown to them, Daniel knew it was his classmates from school.

"Give me four packs of M#rlboro Lights." The boy ordered and Daniel felt himself go into panic as he couldn't find a way to resolve this problem.

'I can't give it to them!'

"C-Can I see your ID, pleeease?" He asked, the stutter in his voice giving away how much of a nervous wreck he had become.

"Huh? you go."

The ID card was of a man who was born in 1984, far from his age.

"That isn't your ID, sir."

"It is! I've just added weight!"

Daniel felt himself tremble with fear as the boy became aggressive due to him not accepting the ID card but his eyes moved to the door as another boy leaned against the frame of the opened door, his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"Stop messing around! Let's just go elsewhere!"

Zack stared at the worker for a moment before a smirk painted his lips as he recognised him.

"Grab some alcohol too. I know this guy." He told them as he walked up to Daniel.

A basket of alcohol and snacks were placed in front of Daniel and Zack stared down at him with a fake smile.

"Hey, let's forgive and forget. This can be considered a truce."

Daniel couldn't get himself to speak up as his fear had stolen his voice, causing him to only gawk at Zack as he glared down at him.

"And...I'm not paying for any of this, you got that?"

An energy drink was slammed onto the counter, earning the attention of all five boys and Daniel's eyes widened as he saw you face Zack as you removed your hoodie that had been covering your features.

'[F/N] must have come in earlier and went to the back.' Daniel figured out your sudden appearance and watched as you looked up at Zack with an unimpressed look.

"No wonder Mira rejected you."

Your words were harsh and Zack's little posse had to wince, their eyes settling onto the boy who felt his anger rise.

"Listen here, you bitch-"

"Do not address me in that way." Your tone was firm, the glare you sent back to him being ferocious enough to have him falter.

There it was again.

That fear.

"If you don't want me reporting you four to the police about harassing an employee and also trying to buy alcohol...then, I suggest you leave quietly while you have the chance."

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