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"You're the first one here, [F/N]."

Your homeroom teacher smiled over to you while you could only return it with another but much more tired.

"We won't be leaving until another two hours so if you want to sit in the bus, you can."

The offer was one you needed as you wanted to get some sleep during the trip on the bus to the retreat. You hadn't slept at all last night, busy with some work that took the entire night.

"The fashion department is assigned to bus two." He informed and you nodded, handing him your suitcase so he could put it in the storage area on the side of the bus.

You then headed to bus two and stepped inside, wanting to grab the seat at the back so you wouldn't be disturbed as you slept.

You made yourself comfortable and leaned your head back, closing your eyes to help you slowly fall asleep.

Two hours had drifted by and the students of each department were standing outside and waiting to sit in their assigned buses.

"Fashion are in bus one, architecture in bus two and beauty in bus three. Settle in quickly so we can depart!"

Vasco followed after his friends, an excited gleam in his eyes. He stepped inside the bus and was suggested the back seat which he accepted as he made his way over.

"Huh? [F/N]?"

Hearing your name had Vasco raising his eyebrows with wonder before he peeked over Jace's shoulder.

There you were, peacefully asleep with your head leaning against the window even with all the noise the architecture department were making.


Vasco's call had the entire bus going silent and they all looked to him as he placed his attention onto them.

"Don't make a sound."

The boys took notice of your presence and they saluted as a sign of obliging his order. They took their seats and put their seat belts on, facing forwards as they waited for the bus to depart.

"Sit next to her." Jace encouraged Vasco who was startled, a blush settling itself on his cheeks.

Vasco felt too shy to take a seat besides you so he left that one empty and took the next one.

Well, that was his plan until your head tilted the other way causing your body to slump forward.

In panic, Vasco jumped to the seat next to you and stuck his arm out, gently moving you back so you wouldn't fall again. Your arms unconsciously curled around the arm he had put out for you and Vasco became tense as you rested your head on his shoulder, snuggling into him as you made yourself comfortable.

Jace watched with a hand covering his mouth, an excited smile hidden underneath while Vasco looked towards him, his eyes wide as saucers.

"What do I do?" Vasco asked, his body as stiff as a rock.

"Just stay there otherwise you'll wake her up." Jace told and Vasco made it his duty to be as still as possible, not wanting to disturb your rest.

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