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It was the day of your date with Vasco and you had your outfit prepared, thanks to a quick video call with Zoe and Mira the night before.

Vasco had exchanged his number with you the day of the festival and texted you two days after, informing he would plan the date which you didn't have a problem with because you had no idea what you were going to plan.

You probably would have taken him to an internet café to play a ton of games and eat snacks but that wasn't considered a place for a date.

Apparently an article on the internet called 'ten romantic spots in Seoul for a date' says so.

"Should I leave now? I'll be way too early then but I don't want to be late.."

You decided to head to the meeting spot now but make your way there slowly.

"Please let this day go by smoothly."


"Jace in position 1. Kshhh...over."

"Daniel in position 2. Kshhh...over."

The two were in separate places but they both could see you and Vasco as you stood in front of an internet café.

You seemed to be in some sort of shock and Jace began to assume you were not happy with the place Vasco had chosen for the date.

"I knew I should have helped Vasco plan the date." Jace whispered into the walkie-talkie but Daniel replied back quickly as he saw from his position, the excited smile that painted your lips.

"Vasco chose the right place, don't worry."

You both walked inside and Daniel along with Jace followed after you both, making sure to keep a safe distance so they wouldn't get caught.

As soon as they were inside, they saw how you both booked an hour at the café and did the same before moving to take their seats by a set of computers on the opposite side of the room.

They peeked over their screens and watched as you used your mouse to check which games were available to play whereas Vasco was absolutely lost.

"Which game do you want to play?"

You seemed a lot more confident, now that you were in a place you visited often but as you looked over to Vasco, he seemed to be confused as to what to do.

'It must be his first time here...'

It made you wonder why he chose this place when he wasn't familiar with it but you didn't question it, focusing back on his screen as you pointed towards a certain game.

Among Us.

"Let's play this one. I'll show you how to play for the first round and then we'll play together for the next round."

Your suggestion had him nodding and you stood up from your seat, moving to the other side of him to place your hand over the mouse. You leaned down, your eyes focused on the screen as you opened up the game.

"What do you want as your username?"

You turned to look at Vasco at same time he moved his head to gaze up at you and your breath hitched as you immediately took notice of the short distance between you. You cleared your throat as you focused back on the screen, trying to fight down the blush that was threatening to show up on your face.

"Goodguy23." Vasco typed down and the game approved of his name before putting him onto the main menu.

You looked for a server that you deemed good enough based on its name and clicked on it, luckily getting a place in.

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