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You remained silent, knowing if you spilled a word, all your hard efforts to gather evidence would go to waste.

"Talk or I'll make you." Jake pressed as he glared at you.

A hand snuck up and wrapped itself around his wrist and he glanced down to see you had jabbed your thumb into a certain part of his wrist.

A sudden wave of dizziness struck him and he stumbled back, dropping you in the process.

"W-What did you do?" He asked as he felt his body turn cold, his legs giving up on him and causing him to fall on his knees.

As your voice came out muffled due to your mask, you didn't have a problem in speaking to him as he wouldn't recognise it.

"Pressure point."

The median nerve on the wrist was a pressure point that could be used to instantly knock out another person and you were lucky to find it the first time you pressed your thumb against his wrist.

You kneeled down next to him and watched as his eyes closed, losing consciousness before you took out his phone from his pocket.

There was no password so you went to his contact list and pressed the first number.



You had stepped far from Jake as you removed your mask to speak up.

"H-Hello, I...I found your friend on the ground so I thought to call someone on his phone to pick him up." You spoke in a timid manner, coming off bashful to mask your true personality.

"Where are you?"

You gave the address before the line ended and you glanced back at Jake's form once again. You placed his phone next to him, soon moving off as you didn't want to get caught by whoever Jerry was.


"[F/N], lend me some money."

It had been a few days since your encounter with Jake and while you had decided to drop the whole betting fiasco as you didn't want to risk losing money, Jiho had crossed the borderline of insanity as he delved deeped into gambling his life away.

"You need to stop, Jiho. I know you'll just lose my money." You pointed out as you gazed at him with a hard stare.

"That's not fair! You have loads of money so it won't even effect you if you gave some to me! Please, [F/N]! Please!"

This was happening in the cafeteria and everyone's attention had been put on you both as Jiho went down on his knees, begging you for money. Daniel was about to intervene but you spoke up before he could.

"I said I won't so, stop asking."

You refused to back down as the boy stared at you as if you had betrayed him.

"I...I thought we were friends!"

He ran out of the cafeteria making a sigh leave your lips and you turned to Daniel who noticed your dejected look.

"It'll be fine, don't worry." He said to cheer you up but you remained the same, your eyes trained on your food as you picked at it with your spoon.

Jiho wouldn't have been like this if you had taken down the operation base beforehand. Now he was deep in debt and you wanted to blame yourself for it, the guilt eating you up.

'I have to send through the evidence to the police before Jiho does something worse.'

You stood up from your seat while resting the strap of your bag on your shoulder, getting ready to leave.

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