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"What's on your mind?"

You were seated across Daniel who was deep in thought but he snapped himself out of it once your voice had registered itself into his mind.

"I need to earn more money." He was honest and you appreciated that.

"I could ask my parents to make you a model for the company if you want." You suggested but he shook his head, finding it wrong to use your connection to land himself a high salary job.

Despite Daniel becoming a model for a clothes branding, he was earning little from the owner as they were a small brand. He was desperate to earn a good amount of money to stop his mother from overworking.

It was heartbreaking to him.

"Hey Dongook! What's wrong?"

You turned back to witness a group of good looking men walk past a middle aged man who was calling them with desperation.

You didn't pay attention to them as they settled down by the table next to yours but Daniel couldn't help but watch with interest. You nudged his leg with your foot earning his attention.

"It's rude to stare." You whispered and he panicked for a moment before lowering his eyes on the table.

You could see he was still trying to eavesdrop on the situation which he ended up getting caught doing. When the group of men left the café, the man approached him and with what you expected him to say to Daniel was instead the opposite which caused you to raise a brow.

"Want to earn big money?"

That definitely didn't sound suspicious.

"What kind of work is it?" Daniel asked with an excited gleam.

"It's an easy service job...that's all." The man claimed and you narrowed your eyes, not liking where this was going.

The man moved his gaze from Daniel to you but he flinched as he saw the sharp look you were sending him. He quickly handed Daniel a card with his number before scurrying off, trying to not be in your deadly radar anymore.

"Don't go for the job, Daniel. It's probably a scam." You warned him.

The boy seemed shocked by your claim and you sighed as you came to a realisation that Daniel was too naive.

"I-It wouldn't hurt to check it out." He said in a meek tone but you were quick to shut down his suggestion.

Daniel cowered under your death stare and put away the card to show you he would listen.

Your ringtone went off at that moment and you checked to see it was your mother.

"Mom?" You called out her as she greeted you.

"Could you come home? There's a guest waiting outside the house. I'm not at home but I received an alert from the security system." She informed which made you blink.

"To see me?" You questioned further, wanting to confirm if it was the person you were thinking.


You grabbed your bag, resting the strap on your shoulder as you got up.

"I'll sort it out, mom. Don't worry."

You ended the call and turned to Daniel who was watching you with curiosity.

"I have to go now. I'll see you in school tomorrow."

You didn't spill any details on your conversation between you and your mother and he decided to stop acting nosy by sending you a nod and sipping his drink. He sent you a small wave as you bid him farewell, leaving him to himself.

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