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"What? Sports day?"

You were in the midst of playing a random game on your phone when you overheard Daniel question the event.

"Yeah, it's happening in a few days. Are you going to participate?" Zoe asked as she tucked her hair behind her ear, smiling charmingly at the handsome boy.

"I-I'm not even good at sports." Daniel said as if he was still in his original body.

"Hehe, don't joke around! [F/N], what about you?" Zoe looked over to you but you didn't bother to return her gaze as you gave a quick answer.


Zoe blinked, wondering why you didn't and didn't hesitate to ask.

"I'm not breaking into a sweat over something so pointless. I have better things to do." You said, finally looking up from the screen as it highlighted you had completed the level.

The class president went through each event, Daniel being chosen to participate in football, tug of war and the relay race.

Zack had entered after the president went through everything and he seemed to be in a bad mood as he glared at Daniel while Mira watched with a hint of worry.

"[F/N], you have to participate in one event. If you don't want to do any sports, then the talent show is what's left over." The class president said as he looked over to you.

Daniel saw the way your face scrunched up as you made a look of annoyance and it caused him to chuckle.

"Oh! [F/N] can join us for the talent show, right Zoe?" Mira suggested with a hint of joy on her face.

You paled as you saw the mischievous smile on Zoe's face as she looked down on you.

"That's a great idea. We're going to be performing a girl group song and we already have the costumes ready."

Zoe took out her phone and showed you the song along with the music video and you immediately refused.

"Nope. No way am I humiliating myself by doing that cheesy shi-"

"You don't want to?" Mira gazed at you with sadness as she asked.

Zack didn't like seeing his girl-I mean-Mira upset so he marched over to your desk and glared down at you to seem threatening.

"Do it." He ordered, trying to scare you into listening to him.

"No, idiot." You kicked his leg making him yelp and hop on one foot.

Daniel had to hold the boy back as he gained the urge to give you one 'light' punch.

"I don't care if you're a girl! Everyone's talking about gender equality these days!"

You stuck your tongue out while raising your middle finger and a fire emitted in the background as Zack became furious.

"Its okay. We shouldn't force [F/N] to do it if she doesn't want to."

You were startled at the sight of tears pooling in Mira's eyes, almost threatening to fall and the guilt began to eat you up.

You wouldn't have given a single crap if anyone else was crying but Mira...

Now, that was just wrong.


You would have to do deal with the embarrassing moment and suffer later.

"Thanks, [F/N]!"

Mira's tears seemed to have miraculously disappeared and you realised then that she had guilt tripped you into joining.

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