stressed. leona kingscholar

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leona kingscholar. レオナ・キングスカラー


"WHAT, AM I too ugly for you?"

An exasperated sigh leaves your lips as you bring your hand to your forehead. You've been dealing with this guy for about ten minutes already, and he still seems to have no intention of giving up.

Your day so far has turned out to be awful enough; you have just left the classroom in which the history of magic test was held. You had spent half the allotted time staring at the paper in front of you only to then write down, as best you could, what you managed to remember from the last few days of hellish study.

So dealing with this guys - not for the first time either - is the last of your wishes.

"You know that's not what I meant." You respond to the provocation, frowning when the headache, present since morning - probably caused by the sleepless night - becomes more and more piercing.

"Oh, really? But it certainly sounded like it!"

You roll your eyes, folding your arms across your chest. The boy in front of you, an offended expression on his face, looks you up and down as if waiting for an apology - which he certainly won't be able to get.

You observe the long corridor, unfortunately for you, desolate; everyone has already gone to their dormitories, probably to celebrate the end of the exams, while you found yourself forced to hold back and ask Professor Trein for informations. Evidently, someone else had noticed this and seized the opportunity.

"Hey! You dare to ignore me?" His annoying voice booms in the corridor and in your ears, as he slams his hand against the wall to your left. You flinch, backing away, but - determined- he approaches once again.

Tears begin to form in your eyes, your vision blurs; stress doesn't allow you to think clearly. Normally you would have been much more resolute, but right now you just want to disappear.

But just when you're about to lose hope, resigned to having to bear it until you drop, out of the corner of your eye you notice a familiar figure. You turn around, Savanaclaw's dorm leader lazily crosses the corridor - almost as if he's still asleep - hands in pockets, tail swaying slowly.

"Oi, answer me!" The boy grips your shoulder tightly, turning you back to face him. You push him away quickly.

The commotion seems to attract the beastman's attention. He raises an eyebrow, pausing to take in the dynamics; just noticing your troubled expression is enough to turn him hostile. He starts walking again, this time at a faster pace, in your direction.

"Hey, you damn idiot. You better get lost." His husky voice sounds dark and menacing as he stops behind you. The annoying boy, too busy yelling at you, finally seems to notice the lion's presence.

"Well well, if it's not the prince of Sunset Savanna. Playing king now, aren't we?"

You go wide-eyed, shocked at the dunce's insolence, turning to catch Leona's reaction. He gently moves you behind him, grabbing the wrist of the boy who had grabbed your shoulder once again.

The beastman approaches the boy, then lowering himself to his height to whisper in his ear. You see the confident expression of the latter turn to one of terror as he takes one last glance at you before turning on his heel and walking away at an alarming pace.

Leona turns to face you, concern gleaming in his emerald eyes as he gently rests his hands on your shoulder. "Herbivore, you ok?" You nod in response, blinking your tears away. He brings a hand to your face, caressing your cheek almost instinctively, before withdrawing it, offering to walk you to your dormitory.

You accept, scared at the mere idea of having to deal with that idiot again; you spontaneously intertwine your hand with his, which doesn't seem to cause him any discomfort, on the contrary, you don't have to wait long before your hand is gripped more firmly, protectively.



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published: april 21, 2024

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