minecraft. idia shroud

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idia shroud. イデア・シュラウド


"IDIA!" HIS NAME leaves your lips in shock. Your eyes wide as you look at the screen of the laptop you have placed on your legs. Your fingers are still on the keyboard and mouse as you let the scene settle in your mind. Your breath gets caught in your throat and your mouth hangs open.

Your gaze shifts to him, sitting at his gaming station, and then returns to your screen as your eyebrow almost twitch in irritation. Repeating the process a few times. "You-" Your voice stops abruptly, preventing you from forming a meaningful sentence. A minute of silence goes by as you swallow hard.

"You killed my dog!" Your voice immediately gets higher and louder, your hands abandoning the laptop to grab the pillows behind you, throwing them towards him.

With a gasp leaving his lips, he manages to catch them in time to prevent them from destroying his computer, nearly jumping out of his seat.

"It stood in front of me while I was mining, I told you to leave it at the house." He answers you bluntly, after all he is in the comfort of his room and he has grown quite close to you. He throws the pillows back at you, before leaning back on his chair.

"Now focus, we still haven't found any diamonds."

"I don't care about diamonds! Do you have any idea how many skeletons I had to kill to make that dog love me?" You retort, indignantly returning the pillows to their place behind you before sinking into them. A scoff escapes your lips, which soon twist into a pout, brows furrowing as you glare at him.

"I know. I've built you an entire farm." You hear the incessant click of his mouse resume, his attention back on the game as he mines his damned ore.

You move your character, placing it in front of his and striking him with the sword before returning your gaze to him in the flesh. "You murdered our son."

"I didn't want him anyway."

Your gasp is actually audible throughout the room, your expression indecipherable while his words seem to remain suspended in the now tense air of the room. Did he really say what he said?

He ignores your presence even in the game, simply moving to the other side of the cave and breaking some of the iron ore blocks on the wall.

"Take it back." You order him in a low voice, remaining still in the game for a while, clicking your mouse a couple of times mindlessly to get rid of the zombie that is approaching you.

"Why should I? I told you to wait a little longer and that a cat would be better. At least they keep the creepers away." You stay still for a moment, staring at your laptop screen as you dive deeper into the covers of his bed. Your eyes focus on his character doing his thing, occasionally moving to the exact spot where your cubed dog died. "My doggy..."

"We have to go further down, at this rate we won't find any diamonds within the next hour." His voice is focused as you see his character walk away and head further into the cave.

He is certainly taking everything more seriously than you who, make no mistake, are almost as engrossed in the game as he is but in a lighter and more fun way. You were picking flowers on the surface a few minutes ago before you followed the boy down into the cave.

"I have 30 experience levels, if you see a mob let me know, I can't lose them." His words are barely mumbled, and you can see from his bed how his blue brows are slightly furrowed.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about mobs."


"Why did you do that?!" His voice resonates more than yours did just now, his amber eyes wide as he turns to look at you. His computer mockingly showing the death screen; 'You Died!' written in white on the reddish filtered background.

"For my son!"

"I would have used my levels to enchant your armor too!"




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published: april 29, 2024

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