purple roses. riddle rosehearts

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purple roses

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purple roses

riddle rosehearts. リドル・ローズハート


NO ONE WOULD have ever expected to find you involved in such a situation, let alone imagine that you yourself would have been the cause of it. Dozens of curious glances scrutinize the scene. It has been a while since something eventful has happened, especially in that dormitory, and for this reason no one intends to stop you.

Your hand quickly releases the brush, allowing it to sink slowly into the paint left in the bucket, repeatedly shifting your gaze towards the entrance to the garden. You yourself are shocked by your actions, just last week you were making sure all was in order for the Unbirthday party, double-checking the numerous rules that - for obvious reasons - you failed to memorize.

Every noise makes you jump in fear, as an intense sense of anxiety works its way into your chest, but that doesn't stop you from taking one last look at your newly completed work.

You have to admit that the view gives you a certain satisfaction, not to mention the adrenaline coursing through your veins. Maybe you could get used to it, or maybe not.

You know you don't have much time left therefore, without looking back, you walk towards the exit; your heart is pounding and your every step feels heavier and heavier as you resist the urge to wipe your hands on your clothes.

You mentally curse yourself for listening to Epel, who - that day - had decided to provoke you, deeming you too weak in spirit to go against the rules.

You try to drive away the doubts, right now you certainly can't go back to change things, it's too late and your only chance is to escape without a trace - you prefer, for your mental state, not to think about the many students who witnessed the crime.


You gasp, eyes wide as if you've just seen a ghost - although, in the latter case, your reaction would have been much more subdued considering how ghosts are your only company in Ramshackle, besides Grim.

Hearing your name has never been so terrifying; you hope, in vain, that it was Crowley who called you, for whatever reason, even if it means spending the whole night gathering information for him. But, to your chagrin, the principal is not the one standing before you.

Riddle's blue eyes study you as he patiently waits for an answer. It's certainly no secret that the dorm leader is fond of you and therefore much more gentle to you, not that you've ever caused him any trouble.

"Oh, hello Riddle!" You answer, trying to control your nervousness so that your voice does not give you away. You can't help but feel guilty, noticing a sweet smile forming on the redhead's lips.

And it is suddenly that you notice a detail of no small value: your hands, entirely covered in paint, are in full view. With a sharp movement you bring them behind your back but this, of course, attracts Riddle's attention.

"What happened to your hands?" His brow furrows as he leans to the side to take a look at them. "I do not know what you're talking about."

"Your hands, why are they purple?"

You try in vain to find a good excuse, often praised for your imagination but right now it seemed to be missing.

"Someone pranked you?" You remain silent, looking at him dumbfounded. He fumbles in his pocket for a handkerchief, motioning for you to hold out your hand.

Hesitant, you follow his silent command; he grabs your wrist, so as not to dirty his gloves. He starts cleaning your hand by gently rubbing the tissue on your skin. Riddle knows that a simple piece of fabric won't be enough to achieve a flawless result, but it will still help in some way.

You just admire his face, a focused expression you would have found adorable if you weren't busy fearing for your own life.

"Don't worry, I won't let them get away with it." Before you know it, Riddle - without letting go of your wrist - starts briskly walking straight towards the place you just exited. "Wait! Riddle! You misunderstood-" You try to explain, your voice shaking a bit, but the dorm leader keeps walking, determined to find the culprit and avenge you.

It doesn't take long before the scene, nothing short of catastrophic for Riddle, presents itself before both of you. An evident frown on the redhead's face as he unconsciously releases your arm.

Most of the roses are covered in purple paint and some students are intent on taking pictures, of course silence falls as soon as the presence of the dorm leader is known.

You can practically see the puzzle pieces coming together in his mind and that's your clue to escape. You start backing away slowly and, as soon as Riddle turns to look at you, you set off in a desperate run, chuckles leaving your mouth.

"Come back here this instant!!"



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published: april 19, 2024

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