heartbeat. malleus draconia

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malleus draconia. マレウス・ドラコニア


THE ATMOSPHERE AROUND Ramshackle Dorm at this time of night had always brought you a bad feeling in the past. The air always seemed to be too cold, almost sharp, and the solitude of that place only reminded you of how far from home you truly were.

The shabby appearance of the place certainly didn't help, the bare trees made the place depressing.

But things, to your own surprise, have changed since you met him. Hornton. Okay, the nickname you and Grim chose isn't the best; but, considering the boy refused to tell you his real name, that's the only way you can refer to him.

He seems to like it anyway.

Of course you don't necessarily meet him every night, sometimes he arrives too late, only passing you when you're making your way back to the dormitory, as if his concept of time doesn't coincide with yours.

But the possibility of meeting him makes you less alone, the gloomy landscape can be illuminated at any moment by those lights that look like fireflies following him.

You sit on the low wall surrounding the dorm area, your legs swinging back and forth in a rhythm of their own, mindlessly, as you let your gaze wander a bit.

You try to keep your thoughts at bay, ignoring the memories that lead you back to where you came from, home; and avoiding with the same assiduity the tormenting plans for the future. After the last - and second - overblot, you just want to rest.

Throwing your head back a little you observe the starry sky, for once there are no clouds to interrupt your vision.

"The moon is on the other side, child of man."

A small gasp leaves your lips; this time he took you by surprise, you couldn't even see those little lights surrounding him as soon as he appeared.

You turn around, looking over your shoulder, even though you are sitting on a wall, he is still taller than you. Or maybe it's his horns.

His green eyes match the color of his uniform waistcoat, the pupils oblong like those of a cat, or perhaps a reptile.

He greets you with his usual mysterious smile, his gaze slightly narrowed, sometimes you don't know if he's trying to embarrass you or something.

"I was looking at the stars this time." You answer him, your hands on the cold stone surface, the contact almost making you shiver.

"You're here earlier than usual, Hornton."

The hint of a laugh escapes him, allowing you to catch a glimpse of his fangs; he brings a hand to his chin while his focus remains solely on you.

"Ah, you pay attention to what time I arrive, don't you?"

You shrug, bringing your attention back to the sky, the sound of the wind moving the dry branches of the trees is the only thing that accompanies you for a moment. Yet you are sure that his gaze is still on you.

"It's strange, even though you now know when to expect to see me, you're always here." His voice is a little lower, not unsure, but it's clear that his head is at work, trying to solve whatever 'mystery' is buzzing inside him.

"You're afraid of me and yet you don't hide from me."

And now your eyes move quickly towards his, meeting them as your eyebrows furrow. "I am not."

Your words make him laugh again, his amused expression replacing his fleeting surprise. ''Then tell me, child of man, why is your heart beating so fast?''

This time it's your turn to laugh, your shoulders shaking as you bring a hand up to your lips. So, besides the fact that he can sense other people's heartbeats - but nothing surprises you anymore - the first thing he thinks about is that you might fear him?

You shake your head, amused, your expression softens. "I just think you are kinda cute."


"What happened to the Young Master, are you sure there is nothing serious going on? Maybe we need to call a doctor-" The younger boy's yellow-green eyes move worriedly over the figure of Malleus, concerned about his sudden - or at least increased - carelessness.

But his concerns does not seem to be shared by whose next to him, with red eyes amused and also happy to see the change in the fellow fae. A breathy laugh escapes his throat. "Oh, there's nothing to worry about, Sebek."



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published: may 1, 2024

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