kiss the cook. lilia vanrouge

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kiss the cook

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kiss the cook

lilia vanrouge. リリア・ヴァンルージュ


YOU LOVE LILIA and there is no shadow of a doubt about it, anyone can see how you feel about him since you don't keep it a secret.

But you would be lying if you said that right now you wouldn't pay gold to be in anyone else's place and escape that impending catastrophe that lies before you.

A cheerful Lilia is busy organizing all the ingredients needed for the dish he is so happy to prepare for you. A little song even leaves his lips to fill the silence that surrounds you.

All the while you sit at the stool at the kitchen island, swallowing the lump in your throat as you try to maintain a carefree expression.

Initially this idea had seemed sweet to you, when he proposed it to you a week ago, you have known each other for a long time and yet you have never seen him cook. So it's a way to find out more about him, and it just made you happy too.

However, things changed when Silver, passing you, asked why the fae seemed to be more excited than usual.

Revealing your plans to him like this, you saw his expression change completely before discovering something terrible. Lilia doesn't know how to cook.

And not a simple 'might burn something in the meantime', no, he really sucks at cooking.

So for the rest of the week, your feelings were in turmoil, seeing Lilia's smile warmed your heart but, at the same time, it made you fear for your life.

You watch him carefully as he starts chopping the ingredients, everything seems calm at the moment and you start to wonder if Silver wasn't just exaggerating.

"You're lost in thought."

His voice makes your eyes move towards his face, your cheeks heat up thus coloring a light pink against your will at being discovered.

"I'm just trying to figure out what dish you're making." You answer him, immediately coming up with a convincing lie, hoping not so much to fool him but at least not seem too suspicious that he'll keep asking you questions.

"You won't succeed, it's my own creation and specialty." He answers, laughing, his black and pink hair grazing his eyes with asymmetrical bangs.

Ruby eyes focused on the blade in front of them, but careful to indulge in a glance towards you every now and then.

The sound of the knife on the cutting board is the only rhythmic sound that fills the kitchen for a while. You lean on your hand, your elbow resting on the marble surface.

The more you look at him, the more normal the way he cooks seems, the more confused you become. He's not mixing strange ingredients, he's not putting too much salt or pepper, he's not overcooking the ingredients.

The fae seems to be at ease in the kitchen, and you find yourself thinking that Silver wasn't just exaggerating, but playing a trick on you - although you wouldn't understand why, it's not like him after all.

Speaking of the devil, the kitchen door opens, revealing the young man whose expression changes at the scene - imperceptibly, but by now he can sense his small reactions.

"Father, you are cooking." He states simply, standing at the entrance to the room. "That I am."

"For (y/n)."

"Exactly." Having finally finished preparing all the ingredients, some cooking, others waiting to be added later, Lilia leans against the counter, turning his attention to his son.



"You'll see, they'll like it." The plate is placed in front of you, your gaze quickly inspects it. You don't know how but it actually became unappealing to the eye, yet you felt like Lilia did everything right.

Your fingers pick up the fork, taking a bite of the food. Your eyes widen, eyebrows raising as you hold back a gag, swallowing forcefully before starting to cough. The disgust too strong to be able to regulate your reaction to him. An unsurprised look from Silver as he turns towards the fae.

"Oh, come on."



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published: may 16, 2024

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