challenge. epel felmier

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epel felmier. エペル・フェルミエ


YOU LIKE EPEL, you can honestly count on him and you don't mind hearing his complaints about all the recommendations and instructions that Vil imposes on him - which, you have to admit, seem exaggerated.

But, at times, even Epel turns out to be a little tiring with his constant objections.

And when you suggest that he change his dorm and end it like this, his response can go one of two ways; more complaints, or a sudden silence, with a simple murmur along the lines of 'the process is too complicated'.

So here you are, for the umpteenth time this week, trying to convince the lavender-haired boy to go to that stupid rehearsal Vil organized.

"Epel, just go, one way or another he'll drag you along." Your voice rings out in exasperation as you sit on the steps of the Spelldrive stadium in the Savanaclaw dorm.

You accompanied Epel to his club activities and the whole way he talked to you about what the blond has in store for him.

He looks at you with wide eyes, before frowning and shaking his head vigorously in opposition. "I can't go down that easily."

You can almost feel your right eyebrow twitch nervously. You run your hand through your hair, your eyes focus on the surrounding environment for a while, a little bothered by the scorching sun.

"Let's make a deal." Epel watches you, tilting his head to the side. "You're starting to sound like Azul." He comments in a calm voice.

"Just...listen to me!"

"When you're done here-" You gesture generally at the others. "I challenge you to run around the stadium, whoever lasts the longest wins."

"Bet." He answers you with a determined smile, before furrowing his eyebrows. "But why?"

"If you let me finish talking."

"If you win, I don't know, you can ask me for a favor or whatever, but if I win, you do what Vil asks of you for a month straight."

He thinks about your words for a moment, only to then smile confident in his abilities. "Get ready to lose."

The club activities, training and so on, last about another hour, which you spend in the stands watching the students run around and use spells and... honestly, spelldrive isn't for you, you don't understand much about it anyway.

Then, courtesy of the lion Epel looks up to, you are allowed to use the stadium for your silly bet; with a small recommendation not to die on the floor of the dorm because 'it would be a pain in the ass to deal with'.

Then, after having arranged yourself as best you can to make running easier, you go down the steps with some hops, reaching Epel who is drinking some water. "Ready?" You ask him. "Like I've never been before."


Okay, you have to admit that the timing of your challenge was planned, you had thought about it well and therefore you used the opportunity in your favor.

Obviously having already spent the afternoon running around, or otherwise under physical exertion, following Leona's directions for the club, Epel would inevitably be tired himself.

So, seeing Epel's run slow down more and more after only a short amount of time is not really a surprise to you.

And when his leg gives out, causing him to stumble, you can finally claim victory. But first you approach him to check he's okay; his irritated expression confirms his health, a victorious smile making its way onto your face.

"Are you ok?" You taunt him, bringing your hands to your chest to show oh how worried you are.

He covers his ears, as if to block out your satisfied voice. You laugh heartily. "Is the sound of me winning too loud for you?"

Needless to say, you were in cahoots with Vil.



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published: may 31, 2024

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