on the house. jade leech

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on the house

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on the house

jade leech. ジェイド・リーチ


GOING TO MOSTRO Lounge every other day has now become a habit for you. The atmosphere is relaxing, and the food is better than the cafeteria - which is good in itself already.

But there's no denying that leather-covered sofas and armchairs are tremendously more comfortable than the wooden benches you have to endure at every meal. So, coming here is also a joy for your back.

The jellyfish-shaped chandeliers light up the large room dimly, enough to comfortably illuminate everything but not to blind you with their light. The glass wall overlooking the ocean is imposing, yet it's almost like it lets you dive into that world just a few steps away from you.

Music plays in the background at a low volume, even the people present seem not to want to interrupt the tranquility of the moment, keeping their conversations low.

In short, coming here is more than pleasant, the only rule is that you have to order something, otherwise your presence will be anything but welcome.

That's why you've already ordered, waiting patiently at your table while your eyes seem enchanted by the view outside.

Colorful algae that sway in a hypnotic manner, fish that move in groups creating involuntary dances; bubbles emerge from the seabed, slowly rising towards the surface.

Your state of peace is abruptly interrupted. The liquid that falls on you is cold and sticky, staining your shirt and penetrating the fabric until it reaches your skin.

A small gasp on your part, your eyes widen and you jump a little in your seat in surprise.

You observe the red stain expanding on the white cotton as it clings uncomfortably to your figure, your first thought is how difficult it will be to get rid of it.

You bring your attention to the culprit, a crestfallen look on his face; you don't recognize him, he's probably a student who decided to help in the Lounge for some favor in return.

He begins to apologize profusely, scrambling for a napkin to help you clean up; he seems terrified, but you know you didn't do anything to make him feel that way, in fact you immediately showed to be forgiving towards his carelessness.

"Oh, you got the drink all over Shrimpy."

"Now, now, didn't we tell you to be careful?"


Well, now you know what makes him so scared, or rather who. The twins appear behind him, smirks on their lips, and their pointy teeth on display. You honestly didn't even notice them until their voices reached your ears.

"Floyd, how about reminding our colleague how it works here?" Jade steps forward, taking the napkin you had just accepted from the boy from your hand.

"Sure thing." His brother's response is sing-songy, a small chuckle following before he takes the boy's arm, the gesture seems almost nonchalant yet his grip is firm.

"Bye-bye Shrimpy."

They move away, the boy's gaze becomes even more mortified and you hear him whisper something under his breath, as if he was begging.

Jade, on the other hand, remains in front of you, his smile, slightly more delicate than that of the other eel, still present on his lips.

"I'm sorry about what happened. I assure you it won't occur again, the boy will learn." The last sentence brought with it something sinister, a shiver quickly runs down your spine even if that hint of threat isn't referring to you.

"It's okay, it can happen, I don't think there's any need to-"

"He'll learn." He tilts his head to the side, his smile widens just a little and in a way it's like he's daring you to question their methods again.

You blink a few times at his resolute statement that interrupted your words. Looking up at him, your eyes move from his fedora to his earring to his face.

"Now, what do you say if I accompany you to your dorm? So you can change, give me your dirty shirt and I will make sure it is washed at our expense." You are about to refuse the offer, you can easily wash your shirt by hand and above all you know how to get to your dorm on your own.

"Then we will return here for a new order, also on the house." Okay, he won't take no for an answer on this one.

You nod in defeat, getting a satisfied giggle from Jade who offers you his arm.


Your eyes widen at the sight of a new dessert brought to your table by Jade himself. You didn't order it and yet he insists; 'It's on the house as an apology', he keeps telling you.

After not seeing the guy from earlier all evening since you returned to the Lounge with Jade and a clean shirt, you don't have the guts to say no to him.

So you accept yet another dessert, praying to avoid indigestion, and bring the plate closer to you.

Floyd approaches, standing at his brother's side. "Wasn't it supposed to be just one extra desser-?"




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published: may 10, 2024

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