flour fight. ace trappola

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flour fight

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flour fight

ace trappola. エース・トラッポラ


YOU THOUGHT THAT, after all the recommendations, Ace had finally learned his lesson. But you were wrong.

Sure, Riddle finally loosened his grip after his overblot, but that doesn't make his strict rule-following any less important than before.

So, here you are, with a collared Ace preparing a strawberry tart for the housewarden.

"It didn't go well last time." You remind him, and you have to admit you're mostly doing it to tease him, a smirk on your lips as you watch him.

"Shut up, it only went badly because I brought it to him at the wrong time." He answers you through clenched teeth, giving you an annoyed look.

"And it was chestnut tart." He adds, rubbing the sleeve of his shirt over his nose, cleaning off any remnants of flour.

This time it's up to you to roll your eyes, standing as you rest your elbows on the counter, leaning forward and peeking at the scribbled piece of paper he brought with him; the recipe that he asked Trey to explain to him and that he wrote in a hurry.

"I have this feeling that this time it will end up worse." You add, noticing how confusing the situation is on the white sheet, before taking a look at the dough in front of him. "Much worse."

"Look, if you have to stay here and bring bad vibes, leave." He urges you, pointing to the door absentmindedly but not without glaring at you first.

In response, you let out an offended gasp. Your usual day can't be filled with anything other than bickering, even if you don't actually argue.

You shrug, before pushing yourself off the counter. "All right." You start to walk towards the exit, but his voice stops you again.

"Oh, I was joking." His face is panicked, knowing that if he were left alone to deal with all this - and then forced you to accompany him while he offers his 'deepest apologies' to Riddle - he would probably go crazy.

"You sure? I can leave if you want-"

"No I do not want you to!" His response is fast and hasty, a reaction to your provocative tone that leads him to blush a little and mumble something under his breath as he avert his gaze.

"Okay, okay, no need to despair." Satisfied with his embarrassment, you put yourself back in your place, encouraging him with a gesture to continue baking.

You watch his expression carefully, a smirk on your lips as you see how awkward he is in his movements.

Confusion on his face as he tries to figure out the best way to proceed. Why not make fun of him a little? He always does so with you after all.

"You're doing it wrong."

"As if you know how to do it."

You laugh a little, shaking your head at his words. "I do." He looks at you with a doubtful expression before replying. "Then why aren't you helping me?"

"Because then your apology wouldn't be so heartfelt anymore." He snorts. Surely the last thing on his mind is regretting his actions - and now that you think about it, you don't even know how he got into trouble this time.

Focusing solely on getting rid of the heavy collar around his neck, he grabs the piece of paper with his flour-covered hands, frowning and trying to decipher its contents.

"Please, knead that dough better, you're making me anxious just by looking at it." You observe that mass of ingredients still not mixed together, threatening to spread across the counter.

"I'm trying!"

With an exasperated sigh you move to his side of the kitchen island, rolling your sleeves up to your elbows. "Let me do it."

You move him playfully with a bump of your hip, putting your hands in the dough and trying to get the ingredients to come together properly.

But now, for Ace, it's a matter of pride. He pushes you away - not abruptly - with one hand, thus dirtying you with flour. "No, I'll do it."

"Oh, is that so?" You grab a handful of flour yourself, throwing it towards him, the dust coating his chin and mouth.

Now it's open war, he does the same, holding you still with an arm around your waist so he can return the favor, laughing heartily.

"Ace!" You admonish him with a chuckle, moving your attack to his hair. You try to free yourself from his grip, to no avail.

"If you wanted to help me, you should have thought of it beforehand." He tells you.

The ghosts look at you between amusement and shock. You're no longer so sure that Ace will be free from his punishment at the end of all this.



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published: june 6, 2024

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