out of trouble. silver

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out of trouble

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out of trouble

silver. シルバー


YOU'RE WALKING AROUND the school's grounds with Silver at your side, talking about this and that. You hold his arm, as if making sure he doesn't suddenly disappear.

After all, you spent the entire morning looking for him, going through every single building to find out where he fell asleep.

You even bumped into Ruggie who was doing the same thing, but instead searching for Savanaclaw's housewarden.

Anyway, after finding him, you kindly obliged him to repay your efforts with a walk and - of course - with an entire expense from Sam kindly paid by him.

The day isn't over yet but the corridors seem to be empty enough that you don't have to make your way through seas of students.

In short, apart from the initial wild search, the rest of the day seems to go well; walking free of bags - as Silver offered to carry them - with only a bottle of your favorite drink in hand, you keep each other company.

That is until someone bumps into you, the liquid from the bottle falling on you as it slips from your hands.

Okay, fine, it can happen. You can't exactly blame it when you too were walking with your head in the clouds, or rather, with your gaze focused on the boy next to you.

But when your small and almost embarrassed 'I'm sorry' isn't reciprocated with the same or at least a 'it's okay', things change. I mean, you were the one with a whole drink spilled on you!

"Watch where you're going, idiot."

Your eyes widen and your body generally tenses up. Oh. Oh. I see how it is.

Silver also seems to notice the change in your stance, first observing your expression and then turning towards the boy you're glaring at.

"Why don't you look in the mirror first? You made me spill my drink!" The boy bursts out laughing, not taking you seriously in the slightest.

You clench your jaw, taking a deep breath, your hands - which you had brought on your t-shirt, trying in vain to prevent the drink from coming into too much contact with your skin - tighten into fists.

"Maybe next time you should both be careful."

It's not Silver's words that stop you from staring daggers into the boy's skull, but his actions, just when you're about to leap into action.

With the bags shifted in a single hand, he uses the opposite arm to pick you up from the waist and onto his shoulder.

"But you, you should hold your tongue." He now turns to the boy, who only chuckles again, before leading you away despite your protests.

"Silver, put me down! I will teach him a lesson that he will remember for the rest of his life!"

"That would be stupid." He answers you calmly, sometimes he's even too calm, you've only seen him get angry - or rather, serious - when it comes to Malleus.

"Stupid?" You try to look him in the face somehow, but the way he's slinging you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes makes it very difficult for you.

"Did you see how my shirt looked? And now it's going to stain your jacket too."

He lets out a sigh, you can almost hear him shaking his head. "His words...he just wanted a reaction from you. And he was succeeding, judging by how you're still acting."

You stop, you had just started slapping him on the back - without putting any real effort into it - but his words almost make you blush with embarrassment.

"You get it now?"

"Yeah, yeah...whatever." This time it's his turn to laugh a little, his shoulders shaking as he adjusts his grip on you.

"Where are you taking me anyway?" You ask him, desperately trying to change the subject, forced to look at the floor of the corridor you are leaving.

"To Sam, I'll buy you another bottle of that stuff."

"No, wait, there's no need."

"I've already decided so."



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published: june 3, 2024

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