helium. floyd leech

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floyd leech. フロイド・リーチ


YOU'RE IN MOSTRO Lounge, helping the twins decorate the room for a dorm student's birthday. Let's say you owe them a favor - which may or may not be Grim's fault.

They sent you to buy everything you needed from Sam - at least they paid for it - and then trapped you here with them to sort it all out. These seem like two favors to you, but you can't exactly complain.

"Shrimpy, come help me hang the banners."

You leave the bag of confetti on the table, approaching Floyd at a brisk pace, looking at the colorful banner in his hands.

You take it, scrutinizing it for a moment before looking around for a suitable spot to put it. Your eyebrows furrowed slightly and a small pondering sound leaving your pursed lips.

"Where do you want me to-" A yelp escapes you, interrupting your words with fear - because what you have just experienced cannot really be defined as plain surprise.

You were too distracted to notice, the eel, with a speed that will make you have nightmares in the future, picked you up, sitting you on his shoulders.

"Floyd! What are you doing?!"

"What's up, Shrimpy? You're too short to reach where you should." He answers you with a satisfied laugh.

You sigh, giving up on the idea of ​​spending time trying to explain to him that before doing something like that he could at least warn you and not risk giving you a heart attack.

You start setting up the banners following his directions, even though most of the time he just makes fun of you, and the worst thing is that Jade doesn't do anything to stop him. But they're twins, you don't know why you expect him to be better than Floyd in any way.

When he finally puts you back down, you're only halfway through, Jade appears and disappears at will, but you find he's mostly taking care of the food and the cake. You can forgive him for his absence but not for leaving you alone with Floyd.

At least the situation seems calm at the moment, the two of you are sitting on the ground next to each other, intent on inflating the balloons.

You let go of yet another one, allowing it join the others on the ceiling.

"Are you tired, Shrimpy? Want me to hug it better?"

His voice is taunting, his eyes narrowed as he watches you with that creepy smirk, though you have to admit you're getting used to it and, when not applied to you, you find it almost adorable.

But you answer quickly, you care about your life and your ribs, with your hands now free, you wave them in front of you. "No thank you! I'm fine."

"If you're so sure..." Okay, now he's acting offended.

You grab another deflated balloon between your fingers, bringing it to the balloon pump.

After you finish inflating it, you wait a moment before sealing it, looking at it. An idea, or rather a memory, resurfaces in your mind. You bring it to your lips, letting the helium filling it reach your lungs.

"Hey, Floyd." Your voice is squeaky and high pitched, you tilt your head to the side turning towards him.

His expression changes drastically and you have to hold back a laugh when you see his eyes widen and his eyebrows raise, even his mouth opens in shock.

Then he bursts out laughing, his laughter sounding less nightmarish than usual when it reaches your ears, perhaps due to the different situation.

"Let me try!"

He steals the balloon from your hands, bringing it to his mouth, inhaling a little helium. "Hey, Shrimpy."

His voice becomes equally hilarious, making you follow him along in the melody of laughter.

Laughing like two children at your funny voices, you spend your time talking about random things just to hear the way you talk, inflating the balloon only to deflate it again by stealing the helium.

It all makes it almost impossible for you to take him seriously, but a shiver still runs down your spine when he speaks to you again.

"Shrimpy, you still owe me a hug."



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published: may 25, 2024

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