tough choices. sebek zigvolt

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tough choices

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tough choices

sebek zigvolt. セベク・ジグボルト


BEING IN DIASOMNIA involves several things, and one of them is dealing with the peculiar character of Malleus. Not that he has bad intentions but, being a fae, his habits and points of view are inevitably different.

And dealing with Malleus means dealing with Sebek.

The green-haired boy seems to hang on the lips of the Young Master; if even a single word that is not a compliment is directed towards the latter, well, Sebek will point it out to you.

Get ready for a lecture that will make you question your life choices.

But, somehow, you managed to overcome this small, thin  barrier - the walls of the school would be thinner - in creating a relationship between the two of you that does not revolve around Malleus.

When you managed to have a normal conversation with the boy, you almost bursted into tears of joy; we are exaggerating here, of course.

It is true, though, that those little things always make you feel that tiny step - tiny cliff - down compared to Malleus in Sebek's priorities; but, despite everything, you constantly try to get used to it, or rather, not to give it importance.

You often find yourself disagreeing with Malleus, and luckily for you it always happens without Sebek's knowledge, you don't know what would arise if he were to find out.

The young man would probably sentence you to death - mentally scribbling you out of his list of friends - and you would be exiled from the dorm for life.

Today, however, luck doesn't seem to be on your side. You and Malleus are arguing, so to speak, about ice cream. Yes, ice cream.

A simple debate about which flavor is better, nothing alarming or that would endanger the credibility of the Great Malleus Draconia - you still remember when Sebek tried to convince you to call him that - nor his life.

Sitting on the black armchairs of the dorm lounge, you lean back, shaking your head at the words of the Crown Prince, who's sitting in front of you.

One hand on the leather armrest while you run the other through your hair. "Look, no." You start saying to him, but the words quickly die in your throat.

It is just as that 'no' leaves your lips - that denial towards the holy words of Malleus - that you feel a presence behind you.

You turn slowly, meeting Sebek's yellow-green eyes. His expression is indecipherable and you swallow the lump in your throat with difficulty.

"But hello to you." You greet him with a nervous laugh.

Meanwhile Malleus, although still sitting in front of you, has gone back to minding his own business, and most of the time it means looking out the window in thought.

Which leaves you to meet your cruel fate alone, and for once you hope that Lilia will pop out at any moment even if it means feeling your heart stop beating for a moment in fear.

"Are you done with your lessons?"

No reply.

And while the silence that fills the room brings within you a felling of impending doom, the situation in his head is very different.

He's never been in a situation like this before.

With anyone else he would have leapt into action, cracking down on the person for their insolence in doubting Malleus' words, in thinking that their opinion mattered more than his.

So why is he having trouble going against you now? In short, the event happened right before his eyes, yet the words seem to refuse to form on his tongue.

Is he starting to have a soft spot for you? No no no. It cannot be. He must just be tired. Yes, that's definitely why.

Finally, he looks back at you, taking a deep breath. "Be careful how you respond to Young Master next time." His voice is calm, and the tremor you just heard in his tone makes you think you're dreaming.

He lowers his eyes before making his way towards the stairs, while you remain dumbfounded for a moment. It's not what you expected and you almost start to worry.

You quickly get up from the chair, at a quick pace you begin to follow him. "Sebek? Are you ok? Hey, wait for me!"


Malleus, after a while, looks up, turning towards the man hanging upside down from the ceiling. Lilia looks at the scene with a smile on his lips.

"Hey, Lilia, what's the best flavor of ice cream?"



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published: june 9, 2024

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