hungry boy. ruggie bucchi

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hungry boy

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hungry boy

ruggie bucchi. ラギー・ブッチ


YOU COULDN'T SEE Ruggie for almost the entire day, apart from fleeting glimpses as he moved frantically from one part of the school to another, then to his dorm. He's clearly intent on running errands for the prince of Sunset Savanna and you can't do anything about it.

His dedication and versatility are impressive, the way he manages to spend entire days doing lots of different things and even at the same time, all without going out of his mind, is to be envied.

Of course, everything he does is to get something in return, it wasn't difficult for you to notice how little he actually manages to trust others.

Even though you have assured him several times that you care about him and are not just there to get something in return, he always seems to be on alert for any request from you.

You sit by yourself on one of the deckchairs at Savanaclaw's lounge, hoping to catch a glimpse of the hyena and stop him to hopefully spend some time together.

The noise of the small waterfall to your left accompanies the laughter and words of the students, most of them beastmen, intent on joking or bickering with each other.

You are willing to wait, you have a lot to tell him, especially the outcome of your little personal mission.

You snort, looking around, focusing on the bright carpets and greenish curtains; the wooden floors and the plants that conform to the semi-indoor environment.

Maybe it takes you thirty minutes, or a little more, before you finally see the figure of the blond, tired in his bearing as he is about to climb the staircase to the upper floor.

"Ruggie!" You call to him from your seat, your voice almost drowned out by all those around you, yet his name draws his attention. His ears twitch before he looks around.

He sees you, a smirk makes its way onto his face and you're sure to see his tail wagging a little faster. "(y/n)!" He approaches you, sitting on the deckchair next to yours.

"What are you doing here?" His bluish gray eyes are on you as he asks the question, still in his uniform as he leans back on his elbows.

"I haven't seen you all day." You shrug, tuning out the surrounding noises to focus on your conversation with him. "So I decided to wait for you here."

"I was busy."

"Babysitting?" You ask him rhetorically almost interrupting his words.

You can tell from his expression that he's struggling deciding what to do, whether to laugh at your statement or try to justify the lion's behavior.

You don't let him think about it too much, starting to talk again and putting an end to his internal conflict. "I have so much to tell you."

"It's not like you to be so enthusiastic at the end of the day." He comments, his signature laugh leaving his lips.

"Remember when I told you I would do anything to at least surprise Professor Trein?" By moving a little in your seat in favor of a more comfortable position, you become increasingly happier.

"And how did you then start doing extra research just to be able to get a point out before he can get to it? Yes, I remember it."

You can see that he is involved, as he was when you revealed your plan to him, but at the same time he seems to be in his head, not giving you the enthusiasm he usually shows you.

"Well, today he was a little distracted and I even corrected him! Professor Trein being wrong, I wish you were there to see his face."

Your words only get another chuckle, which causes you to show a sulking expression without meaning to and it is immediately noticed by Ruggie.

"Sorry if I don't sound enthusiastic enough, but I didn't eat anything." A rumble from his stomach, perfectly timed, proves his words. "The hunger is killing me."

You smile, your expression becoming more relaxed. "Alright." You jump up from the deckchair, turning towards him and offering him a hand. "Let's go to the school kitchen, I'll prepare something for you."



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published: may 7, 2024

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