falling. kalim al-asim

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kalim al-asim. カリム・アルアジーム


YOU DON'T KNOW how you ended up in this situation; you were walking leisurely towards the cafeteria after finishing your morning lessons, when - suddenly - you were overwhelmed by a horde of students.

Practically dragged with them you find yourself on one of the highest floors of the school, more precisely on a balcony of one of the towers, and the situation before you is not the most reassuring.

A potion gone wrong, at least what you heard from the other students as they tried to exit the structure in a way that would have made the professors' skin crawl.

Looking straight ahead, you can't even decipher what exactly those beings in front of you were before. You just hope they weren't students, but in any case there is a protocol to follow, even though the moment you are far from being in a position to do so.

Leave the structure, notify the teachers; if you are unable to do so, wait for their arrival, defend yourself only if necessary.

Well, if this isn't a good time to defend yourself, you don't know what might be. You hold your magical pen firmly in your hand, trying, with basic spells, to at least keep them away and clear a path to the door.

Colorful flashes pass before your eyes as you try to keep the situation at bay. You start to feel tired, your head hurts and your body is overall weak. You run the back of your hand over your forehead, the sun's rays not helping with their insistent hitting the back of your neck.

"(y/n!)" A familiar voice calls to you worriedly, your gaze moves just in time to notice one of the beings being tossed away from the door. There stands Kalim, his face contorted with concern; in the meantime you, however, realize something. You can finally get out of there.

Or at least, that was the plan, but the Scarabia housewarden, good soul, runs towards you. "I looked for you everywhere, you weren't out with the others so I came in here." Hearing his words, you don't know if you want to slap him or squeeze the life out of him with a hug.

You really doubt there is anyone as selfless as him, which is honorable but naive. Honorably naive.

"So you jumped straight into danger." Your voice is almost incredulous, your eyes frantic as you observe him, while remaining aware of your surroundings.

"Jamil is probably freaking out. I am freaking out!" Your soliloquy would have continued for a long time if it hadn't been for the boy himself, who, after grabbing you by the arms, literally threw you off the balcony.

Your eyes widen in horror, your breath catching in your throat painfully as the air rushes past you. The whole thing doesn't fully register in your brain, for a moment you can only hear the muffled noise of the wind and see the fast passing of the external walls of the school.

Wrapped in a vortex of pressure and friction, confusing colors as your hair flutters messily to the side of your face. Then, something soft beneath you and everything calms down. One of his flying carpets.

You let out a sigh of relief, remaining still for a moment; you are still sure that you lost a few years of life due to fear. A gasp leaves your lips as seconds later Kalim joins you onto the carpet, hopping down the balcony's railing.

He gives you a sweet smile, ruby ​​eyes closed as he tilts his head to the side. "You are safe now."

You blink rapidly, your hands resting on the soft surface of the carpet, sitting up. Precious seconds of silence follow as your breathing, as well as your heartbeat, slows to a normal pace. But, either way, you need to release the adrenaline stuck in your system.

"You almost killed me!" Your voice sounds too low considering the situation, your hands moving to grab his shoulders. "I-I knew the carpet would catch you in time-" His eyes wide open as he waves his hand in front of himself.

"You pushed me off a tower!"



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published: april 25, 2024

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