CHAPTER 48- AGAIN~ Farhan 💀

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F A R H A N : -

"We have a news coming in just from Ankara, where an deadly suicide bombing took place at the Bursa ground where an annual spring festival was being held, it is reportedly said by the authorities that nearly twenty people died and forty five casualties were reported..."

F E W H O U R S   E A R L I A R :-

"Here is your contract Mr. Khan," I say sliding the file towards him,

He signs the contract and passes it to his co-founder, Ms. Eman Abru, or you could say she-devil.

"Just because my friend over here has agreed, I am accepting to sign this contract mr. siddque, or you know I didn't had much of a heart in this project." She smiles pointedly looking at contract,

"Eman," Mahib khan calls out, "Why don't we just sign it?"

She gives him a pointed look before signing on the contract, and gives it back to me,

"Thank you Mr. Khan and Ms. Abru, my team will contact with you shortly and then we can start our project as we planned," I say checking out the file and closing it, and get up from my seat,

"It was a pleasure to meet you Mr. Siddque," Mahib khan says getting up from his seat and shakes my hand,

"Same here," I reply, "I hope our project goes well."

"Inshallah," he says, "We are hosting our company's twenty years anniversary this weekend, I hope you can attend it."

I shake my head, "Congratulations on that, but I am travelling to Ankara tomorrow and I don't think I will be back to Istanbul so soon."

"It's alright, no worries." He smiles and looks his partner who just stood there without saying anything,

"The eagerness in your tone, I bet you are going back to your wife." Eman grins,

I nod, "You are right Ms. Abru." Mahib gives Eman a look to which she shrugs, "I should get going now, have a good day."

I exit there office, and go back down by elevator to the parking cellar, finding my car, I open it and keep the files on the back seat before driving off from the K group of designs office building,

While driving, I check for any missed calls from my wife to find none, I know I am behaving like a teenager but could you blame me?

Twenty minutes in, I reach my parents house and park my car in the garage before going inside the house, I see my mom seated alone in the living room and walk towards her,

"Salam mama," I greet her, she smiles seeing me and kisses on top of my head when I sit beside her,

"How was work?" She asks,

"Good Alhumdulliah," I reply leaning my head back on the couch, "What?" I ask I see her smiling at me,

"Nothing," she says, "Just really happy to see my son, is it not an excuse enough for a mother?"

I chuckle giving her knuckle a kiss, "You can always stay happy mama."

"How is Ayesha?" She asks,

"Good," I reply, "It was her last exam today, so she went out with her friend."

"I can see someone is excited to go tomorrow, huh?" She says pinching my cheeks,

"Mama," I chuckle, "Since when did you start teasing me? You were on my side."

She laughs patting my cheek, "I was kidding," she taps my shoulder, "Go fresh and up, lunch will be ready in a while,"

"Alright," I say giving her head a kiss before getting up and going to my room to change my clothes,

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