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A Y E S H A : -

"No, you don't need to..yeah, she is fine." I heard a voice speaking next to me, making me stir my sleep,

"God, how many times should I tell you, you both don't need to come here,"

Let me sleep, I've slept few minutes ago only.

An exhale, "why is it so difficult to convince you people." I was getting irritated now by listening his voice.

After some time I heard nothing and was dozing off again when I heard his voice,

"Fine. Do whatever you both want. It's not like you both are going to get convinced anyways." I heard him again and till this time I can make out this was Farhan, frustrated might I add.

I tried to close my eyes and sleep again, but there was no traces of sleep left, I hate when this happens,

Sighing I decided to lay down a bit more when yesterday's events came clashing down my mind,

The attack in mall. Farhan coming to rescue me. I remember faintly how he carried me in his arms. I can't believe he really carried me and I hugged him for the first time.

That was our first hug. It felt so right, like a correct piece of puzzle fitting together.

I fiddled with the corner of my blanket as I remembered how he promised, he will always come to me. Did he really meant that? There was something in his promise that made me feel secure and assured.

This all are the thoughts I don't want to think in the morning but I can't help.

Sighing I placed my hand on my forehead as I felt a mild headache forming, feeling a bandage beneath my knuckles, I see the bandage from the IV tube. Luckily I got no injuries, except few body aches.

I close my eyes as yesterday's events rush in my mind, that man holding me, knowing Farhan's name-

I snap open my eyes, How can I forget about that man, He was constantly repeating Farhan's name as if he has known him for years. his tone, the way he was looking at me made sure he was not someone who Farhan would be On good terms with.

A shiver ran down my spine as I remembered how he eyed me. Is he is someone who is not to be messed up with. he is probably the person who attacked the mall. I should've told Farhan, I think I should tell him before it's late.

I removed the blanket from me and sat up on my bed and smoothen my hairs with my hands and turned towards Farhan who was standing near the window beside my study table.

"You up already? Great, Actually I-"
I cut him off,

"I want to tell you something-" he cut me off instead,

"You can tell me later but now we have leave, Amma and baba are coming to Ankara." he said typing on his phone

"No you- wait what? Why are they coming is everything alright?" I questioned turning towards him completely,

"They heard about the attack last night, and want to come and check on us personally. I tried a lot to convince them that you are fine, but who am I kidding to?" He sat on the bed and ran a hand in his hair,

"But they don't need to, I will call them and try to convince." I reached for my phone, but stop short when I realise I don't have one, "Pass me your phone please."

He looks down at his phone and exhales, "No need now, they are already on their way to airport."

"What! Already?" My voice stunned.

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