CHAPTER 53- A NEW LIFE ~ Ayesha💕

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A Y E S H A :-


Hajra moves back after giving Irhaa one last hug and wipes away the tears from her face.

"I will visit you soon, okay?" She says and Irhaa nods, her pale face had blotches of red from crying, "Take care."

Hajra smooths down her hairs and I blink back my tears, cursing my emotional trait.

Irhaa holds her hands and says, "I will miss you, don't stop visiting me."

Hajra breaks in another set of tears, "How could I?"

She envelopes Irhaa in another hug and I swallow the gravel in my throat.

It was the day Irhaa always wished for, her family. Few days ago she read an article in the newspaper about Farhan's new construction project with a client, who owned a well known constructing organisation. The name of the project struck to her first.

When she saw the name, she immediately asked Hajra to make a call to Farhan and said to him that the man he is making deal with is her father.

Who she thought was dead.

Atleast that what her evil relatives who left her said to her.

After hearing Irhaa so confident about the man being her father, Farhan sprang to action and asked his client Mr. Wazir usmani, for his daughter's whereabouts who he thought was dead.

As soon as he described it, Farhan brought him to Bilal and Hajra's house and stood him in front of Irhaa, his daughter.

And the meeting of a father and daughter who rekindled after years and thought each one of them was no more, still bring tears to my eyes.

After running an precautionary background check, Farhan confirmed Irhaa was indeed wazir usmani's daughter. Her evil relatives even changed her name from usmani to Irhaa Ansari.

Later the meet, Irhaa announced her wish to live with her father from now on and move out from Hajra and Bilal's house where she had been living for the past nine months.

One week later, it was time for her to leave, I hadn't met her so much but the idea of her living with her father and being happy after what she'd been through made me really happy for her.

On the other side, Hajra was really emotional from her exit. She got really attached to her, if not like a sister, she always looked after her like a mother.

"Why do they need to cry so much?" Yousuf sniffed from beside me.

"I don't know." I say frantically wiping away my tears watching Hajra walk out Irhaa to her father's awaiting car by the gate.

"I wish I was watching a drama, at least I could skip the emotional part." Yousuf says in a strained voice.

"Or watch it on a high speed." I whisper feeling my throat clog again, "Atleast they look funny while crying."

"I am happy for her." Yousuf says, "But I am also sad. She felt like one of us."

"You are right, but just look at her anticipation," I point her giving her father a biggest smile, which made the skin around her doe eyes crinkle. "And that smile, I have never seen her smile so big."

"She is going to get what she always wished for." Yousuf sighs in content. "Am I right nain?"

I look back at the brooding man beside him and raise my eyebrows seeing him, looking at Irhaa with hard eyes, for a second I think I saw a glimmer in his eyes, until it vanished again and his black eyes returned back to their icy form.

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