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A Y E S H A : -

Stepping out of my last class before lunch break, I sighed tiredly. It's only been fifth week of senior year and I am ready for a mental breakdown. As relatively pressure of studies increases, the pressure in my life have also took a toll.

Rubbing my sleep deprived eyes, I walked towards the senior cafeteria on the ground floor, as I was descending the stairs of my block, I grabbed the railing as I felt a pressure falling on me, almost making me fall.

"Sakina! You almost made me fall," I yelped holding her arm which was wrapped around my shoulder.

"In love?" She quirked helping me regain my balance,

I smacked my binder to her arm playfully, "Kidding." She chuckled as we both descended down the humanity block stairs and walked towards the courtyard, which had basketball court at the centre, where all the sports scholarship students where practicing for the annual sports league, at least they were doing what they desire and achieving their dreams and not study.

"Damn, they are so lucky they just play all day, and all the lecturers pass them without any study, what a life." Sakina spoke my thoughts.

"For real." I agree looking down at my feet, watching my maroon pleated ankle length skirt sway along the early September breeze.

"I just want to be done with college already." Sakina groans,

I looked at her and said, "Are you a Seer now my girl? How are you reading all of my thoughts?"

"Nothing special, just in my blood." I chuckled as we neared the cafeteria and grabbed Sakina's arm as she started ogling all the basketball players who were all sweaty and ripped and was pouring water on their on heads from a bottle while shaking their heads like a dog.

I get that they are good looking, and are self aware, but they didn't needed to do that.

"Where is Sania and safa?" I asked pushing open the cafeteria doors,

"Sania texted saying she's running a little late because of a very important lecture, and safa is in a detention." Sakina replies still trying to steal a look at the basketball players.

"Detention? In week five? that's a record." I say trying to locate a empty table.

"Well yes it is." Sakina says as she points a empty table and we both head towards it,

"So what's up? What's going on that brain of yours, what made your prada bags appear?" Sakina asks as we settle down at a empty table.

I sigh setting my bag on other chair,
"Things, a lot of things. Senior year is the top of it."

She props her elbows on the table and rests her chin on her intwined hands, all the while giving me an intense stare with a raised eyebrow, for a second I got a feeling like I am in a interview, "Lie. Try again, and try truth."

I sigh again scratching my eyebrow with my thumb, "My parents have started finding a suitor for me.."

"Oh so you are stressed because of that? Don't worry babe you got all the boys on your feet." She winked.

Yeah all, except one.

"Now, the other truth." Her investigator demeanour was back,

My shoulders sag as I pick up the loose skin around my nails, "It's Danish." I let out finally.

Sakina's demeanour drops instantly and she sits up straight,
"What is it? Did he said or do something? Do I need to locate him and break his bones?" She threatens cracking her knuckles.

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