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A Y E S H A : -

As we reached home I came out of the car stumbling as baba grabbed my arm again started dragging me to our house from porch despite of my tears and protests which fell to deaf ears.

My hijab started to loose when we entered the house, mom waiting for us in kitchen and when she heard my voice she came towards the living room with a frown.

"What happened Humza why are you behaving like this with ayesha? Is this the way to behave with your daughter?" She asks seeing me being held by baba.

I quickly freed my arm from baba's grasp and hugged my mom and broke into sobs.

"Ask your beloved daughter Hira what she have done today?" Baba yelled angrily.

"Whatever she have done you have no right to be violent towards her!" Mom said angrily while hugging me tightly in her safe arms my mom was not the women who always talks with high tone with her husband but when it comes to her or her children's right she always stands confidently in front of baba.

"If you listen what your daughter has done today all of your pride will break from your daughter!" Baba said pointing his finger at me.

"My daughter? She's our daughter! What's the reason hamza? Murat you tell what happened what is the reason for this behaviour?"

Baba started massaging his forehead with his palm and sat on sofa.

"Mom actually when baba went to pick up ayesha from her fest, when we reached her university we saw she was in canteen and there..... there ....she was.. she was ..." Murat tried to complete.

"Murat say it clearly!" Mom gritted agitatedly.

"Mom actually Ayesha was there with .... with .... imran and they.....-"

"And that imran boy was proposing your daughter and she shamelessly said yes without thinking about her father's reputation!" Baba completed instead of murat making him flinch.

Before mom could react I started explaining,
"Mom it was not that they saw mom it was nothing like that.... that .... imran.... he ... practiced... not me... it was his his." I was continuously blabbering with hiccups.

Mom cupped my face and made me sit on the chair.

"Ayesha relax calm down and say." mom said while drinking me a glass of water I drank half water and continued,

"Mom he was going to propose his girlfriend not me he was practicing please believe me mumma please." I desperately tried to make her understand.

"Oh yeah if he was practicing then why was those stupid friends of yours were cheering for you ? Huh? Was that also a part of your so called practice? Many people were there cheering on her, Did you know I felt? I felt like they were cheering on my loss of reputation." Baba got up from his seat but Murat stopped him by grabbing his arm.

"No no baba please I am not acting please believe me please momma please you believe me right?" I kneeled and asked to mom who was sitting on the in front of me and hold her knee but she was responding.

"Mom please, Are you listening?" I asked and saw tears forming in her eyes.

"I don't know what to believe ayesha? But I have trust on my daughter." she said keeping a hand on my shoulder.

"Mom I never broke your trust please!"
I wiped my face with back of my hand and went to murat who was standing quietly there all the time.

"Murat ? Bhai? Please you trust me na ? Please you trust your little sister right? You believe me right? Please explain to baba." I joined my both palms together and asked murat with non stop tears
And I saw two tears roll down from his eyes he hold my shoulder and nodded.

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