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A Y E S H A :-


Istanbul, Turkey*
July, 2018.

What is a perfect morning for you? Sounds of birds chirping happily sitting on a branch of tree near your window? Or the perfect morning rays passing through the sheer curtains, falling on your face with a cold breeze which makes the loose strands of your hair tinkle softly on your face? And being the main character, you wake up with a radiant glow and smile on your face, stretching with a cute yawn you say, "What a beautiful day." Well for me that was a perfect morning.

Instead my morning now is even more perfect than that, seeing my husband asleep beside me with our son, Ahad, laying on his chest, his little fingers wrapped around the collar of his Baba's shirt as he snored peacefully in his arms,

I prop my elbow up and stare at the two most important persons of my life.

I reach forward and caress Ahad's small hands which were wrapped tightly against Farhan's t-shirt, as if he couldn't even let of his baba's touch even in his sleep.

When he was born, I knew I was going to spoil my little boy with so much love, but this little guy being the first born on the both the sides, became so spoiled with love from both of his grandparents, to his phupho, and his mamu and mami.

And his baba? He wouldn't even let him separate himself from Ahad even for a second. He now calls from his office nearly five times to check on ahad.

Being a light sleeper—now more than ever since Ahad gets up more than once in night— Farhan cracks open his eyes feeling my fingers moving away the strands of his hair from his forehead.

He gives me lazy smile and I reach forward to plant a kiss on his forehead and then at our son's.

"Good morning." I whisper, not wanting to wake Ahad up.

"Morning." Farhan replies in his raspy morning voice which does things to me in eight in the morning.

We both glanced down when Ahad shifted on his chest and Farhan chuckles caressing his back.

"Can't believe this little guy turns one today." Farhan says looking at his sleepy smile.

"Me too." I whisper looking at my son in fascination.

As if on cue, he cracks open his eyes and slowly lifts up his little head, he looks up at Farhan and gives a toothless smile, making both us chuckle in aw of him.

Ahad is literally the calmest baby ever, he cries only when something is wrong or if something is really hurting him, his paediatrician said he had a high pain tolerance, and when he cries we get concerned.

Till now he has never troubled us with his nap times, talking to other parents I realised how lucky we are, he doesn't even cries when he's hungry, I always keep his feeding schedule on time and make sure I am not keeping my baby hungry.

Farhan says he has my nature, and so does everyone. Ahad at such a little age had a striking resemblance to Farhan, except he got my eye shape and colour, nonetheless, sometimes even I get fascinated.

"Happy birthday to my little boy." I say pressing a kiss on his cheek, "Mama loves you so much."

He gurgles a little laugh as I forward my hands, and he raised his hands to me.

Sitting up straighter, I pick him up from Farhan's chest and bring him on my lap, where he immediately starts giggling and starts playing with my hairs.

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