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A Y E S H A : -

"Girls, Let's meet." Sakina's voice whined through the phone speaker and I chuckled.

"Sakina, we just met like a week ago." I reminded her while opening the pack of dark chocolate and placing it on the cutting board.

"You even call that incident in that ill fated mall a meet? Nah uh Sakina I am siding with you." Safa seethed. I could imagine her rolling her eyes.

"That's my girl." Sakina perked up.

"Guys I know that meeting was null, not counted. But do you guys think that now our families will allow us to go alone?" Sania reasoned out.

"Yeah, now that's my girl reasoning out." i mimicked Sakina's tone while chopping the dark chocolate bar to make a cup of hot chocolate. Nothing could beat a hot cup of chocolate on a winter night.

"And besides Sania is getting married in two weeks, I highly doubt her parents would even allow her step even at the porch and have you guys forget our Affan jiju, hmm? I highly doubt he will allow Sania." I chuckled, I could tell sania would be blushing now.

"Oh yeah, how could I forget those possessive husband and to be husband of you both." Sakina laughed.

"Hey! why am I getting in this?" I whined and stopped chopping the chocolate bar.

"Why not?" Safa says.

"Sania remember how Farhan jiju carried a Faint Ayesha in his arms, and was running like a frantic ordering doctors here and there." Safa continued and I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. Of course they will say about it now.

"Safa." I groaned palming my face.

"Wait Wait! Tell me about that, I don't remember any of that." Sakina came forward. "All I remember is waking up and heard a mad man asking about his wife. When was this Cinderella scene?"

"It was nothi-" I was cut off by sania,

"It was!"

"Oh my god that was so freaking adorable total couple goals." I almost dropped the bowl in my hand and winced as safa and sania screeched together. Conference call could always do that.

"Guys you need to calm down! And Sakina you couldn't remember any of that because you were passed out and...and don't you forget how you were also carried by your Romeo." I directed to Sakina now. And chuckled, I added the chopped chocolate to the milk mixed with cocoa powder and cornstarch which was heating in the saucepan on the stove, after adding the chocolate I started whisking the hot chocolate mixture.

"Don't you dare come on me now." Sakina warned.

"Oh ho Sakina you didn't tell us that you and dorok hmm?" Sania teased.

"Ew ew! Stop right there, it's nothing he helped me and I thanked him end of the day end of the week, End of the story." Sakina literally screamed in the phone which made me startle again and look around the kitchen, afraid someone might wake up at this late hour of night.

"You guys do realise that you are talking about my brother, which makes me cringe so bad." I heard safa's fake shuddering voice.

"And listening to your guys conversation I really am grateful that I am single pringle and chilling and relaxing my life." Safa sighs happily.

"Basically safa even I am single." Sakina prompted.

"Well nah, you are atleast being shipped to my brother of course, but I am a free bird." Safa chirped.

"Are you sure about the shipping part Safa?" I teased obviously I knew about her crush on my brother.

"Hmm Even I am not so sure Ayesha." Sania played along, "I mean it's just's alright to admit Safa."

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