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A Y E S H A :-

The sound of a door closing shut made me wake up from my sleep, my eyes feel carrying the weight of an entire ocean.
Rubbing my eyes I squinted one eye open, that must've been Murat, taking my charger in the middle of night.

My back protested in pain as I sat up on my bed...wait I am on a couch..?

I looked around the room and realisation dawned on me, I got married, this is my...husband's room, and I cried myself to sleep.

Getting on my knees on the couch I peeked outside the window, which is settled beside the couch, it was still dark outside and a car drove away from the gate, was it him?

Turning around I saw the time on the wall clock, it was three in morning, I think it's a little too early for morning jog. Then where did he go?

Hm? Flopping down on the couch I thought of the places where a man can go at this hour. Gym? Nah still too early.
Trekking? Eh I don't think so? Did he went to receive someone from airport? But the wedding was yesterday and every foreign guest from both the families are already here. Then did he-

My eyes widened, no what if he went to- He can't go know he is married, but he also said he had nothing to do with me, and with that thinking what if he went to-

My frantic eyes caught the sight of a photo frame on the nightstand, It was him and mina, mina being a sunshine she is smiling brightly, whereas he is just standing beside her like a slab of rock. My previous doubt vanished away, Nah he is good.

I shouldn't care where he is or what he does at three in morning, I removed my
comforter aside- wait did I brought this with me last night? I don't even remember, maybe I did.

Staring at the empty room, my eyes darted to the lone bed which was calling my name, summoning me. Getting up from the couch I tip toed around the room and settled on the bed, the left side was undid, so I laid down on the right side, and as soon as my back met the mattress, I melted like a butter in pan, right into it. Letting out a content sigh I drifted off to sleep.

I was having quite literally the best sleep of my life when my eyes snapped open at the sound of Azaan, rubbing my eyes I squinted to see the time which said it was being nearly five in morning,

I got up from the bed as the sound of azaan melted out of the room, getting my abulation done, I grabbed a prayer mat from the dresser's drawer and started praying my salah.

Finishing my salah, I raised my hands and prayed for everything and everyone that matters to me, asked my creator to give me will and power to face any obstacles, cried my heart out to him, said those words which I don't say to anyone, some unsaid words were said through my tears, my tears saying my struggle, asking for forgiveness for my mistakes, asking for the safety of my loved ones and everyone who is struggling in their own battle.

I raised my palms over my face and wiped my tears, getting up from my place I picked up the prayer mat and folded it placing it on the coffee table, removing my scarf from my head I shook my head so that my hair could fall out of the bun, Feeling the weight of a stare on me, my skin prickled and on instinct I snapped my head to the bedroom door and my stomach dropped noticing Farhan standing there....just staring at me.

As my eyes clashed with his hazel eyes, a weird pricking sensation washed over me, the green in his hazel eyes were telling a story, a story in which I was involved, like a film my brain reels in a image all those years ago when I did the same thing with hair just to be dramatic, a boy, my cousin caught me being dramatic and I got so flustered because I sort of kind of had a crush on him, and then I ran away hoping he didn't caught me tripping on my way.

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