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A Y E S H A :-

I Closed the main door after the last guest left, locking the door, I leaned against it and closed my eyes for a brief second.

What Farhan did today was absolutely puerile. And I was not going leave him for that.

Walking away from the door, I entered the drawing room where Farhan was talking to Murat about something. Mama was busy clearing the table and Baba have already retrieved to his room.

Walking towards him I said, "Farhan can I have a word?"

He stopped talking and raised an eyebrow at me, "Later?"

"It's kind of important." I emphasised.

Murat looked between the two of us and awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, "I was going to help mom anyways." He stood up and left the drawing room.

"Talk." Farhan said getting up from his seat.

"Not here." I say seeing mom and Murat clearing the table in our view. I told Farhan to follow me and lead him to our inner courtyard.

"Speak now." He said leaning against the wall and spinning the cage of Murat's parrot, Jojo.

"Why?" I asked folding my arms.

"Why what?" He asked tapping on the cage.

"Why did you did all of this?"

"I told you already about that."

"Farhan this was not funny." I said grabbing the cage.

"Humour me then." He mocked.

"You made me wait for three hours for nothing? And told me nothing about my father inviting you, and you oh so easily blamed it on me. This was so immature Farhan." I glared at him.

He scoffed, "I saw the opportunity and took it."

"This is not a game, it's real life." I snapped.

He snapped his gaze at me, "You made real life a game."

"Oh god." I groan, "Will you ever stop this blame game?"

"Only if you start speaking the truth."

"This." I pointed my finger at him,
"Your attitude is my sole reason I am not explaining anything to you. You can think whatever you wan't, but with your this attitude, never. If you are stubborn then so am I."

He chuckled, "Guilty conscience pricks the mind."

I exhale and then something hit me, " told Jameel to fix my phone tomorrow instead of today."

He mocks impressed, "You really have a brain."

"Will you ever speak normally to me." I bit out in frustration.

He took a step towards me and grabbed my chin, "I don't think someone like you deserves to be speak normally."

"Stop." I whispered defeatedly. "I am telling you Farhan you will regret judging people before listening to them."

"Fine, here I am listening to you, explain. Explain why were you meeting that man?"

"Because he called me...and he was threatening me."

"Why was he threatening you?"

"Because we..." my words fall short as I realise how wrong I am going to sound.

"We....we used to have an affair Hm?" He completed, his grip on my chin increased for a fraction.

I close my eyes as I felt tears pricking. When I didn't reply he scoffed, "Like I said," he lifts my chin, "Guilty conscience." He dragged his fingers and tapped on my temple, "Pricks the mind."

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