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A Y E S H A :-

I close my textbook hearing my husband entering inside our room. I give him a smile and get up from the bed to greet him,

"You worked really late today," I say giving him a hug,

"Was struck in a meeting." He sighs tiredly, giving my forehead a kiss, "How was your day?"

"Nothing special," I reply, taking his blazer from him, "Studied for my mids."

He paused removing his watch, "You are having mids? From when?"

"From next week." I reply, "Why ask?"

He shakes his head opening the top buttons of his shirt, "I have to go Istanbul next week for a meeting, I was thinking to take you with me."

I pout, watching him walk in his wardrobe, "When are you leaving?"

"Next Monday." He replies, taking off his shirt.

"Dang it." I curse silently, moving forward to place his blazer in the hamper, "My exams starts the next day." He chuckles taking out a t-shirt from a hanger, "When will you be back?"

"In four to five days," he says carrying his clothes in his hands, "Couldn't leave my wife alone for so long."

I hum dis heartedly, I am not sad because he's going to Istanbul all alone, I am sad because I would be alone without him for the first time since seven months of our marriage. And now that I realise I can't live without him, it seems kind of impossible now.

"Come back," Farhan snaps his fingers in front of my face, "It's alright, we'll go on a nice vacation after you graduate." He chuckles tapping my nose.

"I am not thinking about that," I sigh, leaning against the wall, "This would be the first time, we would know separated." I look down, "You made me used to you so much in these seven months, I don't know how am I going to stay without you for five days."

He smiles, stepping closer to me, lifting my chin in his hand, "I wouldn't have gone without you, even I am used to you, I promise I will try to come back to you as soon as possible."

I chuckle shaking my head, "No don't do that, concentrate on your work, work always comes first."

"But i'd like to come back to my wife first." He says sliding his hands around my waist.

I place my hands on his shoulder and grin, "Then don't go."

He shrugs guiltily, "That is kind of impossible."

"But you know what's possible?" I tease biting my lip,

His eyes lit up mischievously, "Oh I know." he grins leaning closer, and I duck away moving away from his arms.

"Me making you dinner," I laugh pointing at his expressions, "Fresh and up and come down fast."

I turn away walking towards the door, Farhan chuckles saying, "Someone's going to pay for it."


I watch silently, looking at my husband who was fast asleep, with a smile I lean down and push back the strands of his hair from his forehead and give it a kiss.

It was Sunday, and he is leaving tomorrow morning, I don't know what is it, but the thought of being away from him doesn't sit right with me. Now I understand why my mom used to cry so much when baba used to go somewhere for work.

I used to think, why would she cry when baba would be back in two days? But now I understand, when you get married, your life gets attached to another person, not even a day without them feels the same. It feels like a connection of white clouds on clear blue sky, so perfect when together, without one of them, it is always plain and dark.

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