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F A R H A N :-

"Do we really need to go there?" I grumbled wearing my boots.

"Yes, we do." Ayesha says, I look up at her with my sleep deprived eyes, who kept adjusting her hijab.

"Was it really necessary for princess Heer to keep an outing the next day of the party?" I mumble, stretching my sore muscles.

"Apparently it was, and we are forcefully invited." Ayesha grumbles and adjusts her hijab again.

"You good?" I ask watching her struggle,

"No," she groans slapping her hands on the dressing table, "I am not getting the peak."

I blink, "The peak?" I walk towards her looking at her head, "Where?"

"My hijab peak," she grumbles, holding her hijab out, "I cannot get it, it's so frustrating Farhan!"

"Okay okay, relax." I hold her arms down, "How do we get that peak?"

"I don't know!" She whines,

"Let me try," I say adjusting the front of her hijab, trying to form the little tent at the front, "There, you got it." I say turning her around.

She looks surprised and gives me an impressed look, "Ideal husband huh?" She chuckles pining down the rest of it over her shoulder,

She turns around twirling in her outfit, a white puffy type frock thing which looks fucking cute on her, "How do I look?"

"Beautiful as always." I say admiring her,

"Thank you." She bows down and wear her white sneakers and picks up her coat. "Now let's go, we are late."

I ground my feet on the floor as she tried to drag me with her, "Can't we just go somewhere else, just us?"

"As much as I want to, we can't. Besides mama is really looking forward for it, we can't break her heart right?" She blinks innocently.

"But I am tired." I state tiredly, "I didn't got much sleep last night, you know." I smirk when she gasp and smacks my arm.

"You don't get to say that, I was up all night too, alright." She argues, her face noticeably red.

"Uhm?" I tease trying to bring her closer, but she steps back getting out of my reach.

"We are getting late," she sings taking card off the holder, "Five seconds before you get a home alone experience."

I roll my eyes before pocketing my phone and wallet and grabbing my coat along with it.

"Oh wow I am saved." I say dryly, watching her lock the door, "I hope my parents haven't left me alone."

She chuckles, grabbing my arm and walking towards the elevator, "Gosh, you are such a drama queen."

"Learned from the best." I say pressing the button of the elevator.

Looking around, when I saw no one, I quickly lean down and steal a peck from her.

Ayesha gasps frantically looking around, "Farhan!"

"What?" I shrug as the elevator door opens, "Just got my morning started." I wink at her before dragging her inside the elevator.


I park my car in front of the gates of the Durrani villa yet again, shutting the engine off I stare at the gates,

"Why am I still here?" I mutter looking ahead in distaste.

"I am asking the same thing." Ayesha mutters,

"Why did we leave our house?" We both turn around to look at Mina, who was slumped back in the back seat,

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