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A Y E S H A :-

"When?" I shocked whisper left my mouth,

"The day it was raining? When you were late for the gathering? I heard you both from here," he pointed at the window, which showed the place near jojo's cage.

"No no baba, it's nothing like that I-I," I stuttered explaining him, my whole demeanour was frozen with shock, I was at loss of words.

"You don't need to explain, I have seen everything from my eyes, and heard what he said to you." His gruff voice filled with remorse.

I tried to wipe my tears, but it couldn't stop,
"It was my fault, from the start it was my fault, I didn't trusted my daughter and gave my decision out of anger, I destroyed your life." his voice broke at the end.

My chest constricted with pain seeing him like this, I have always see him with his strong posture, but now seeing him like this because of me, breaks my heart.

"No, no baba please listen to me," I grabbed his hands,

"It's not like that, that day what you saw was a misunderstanding trust me," I try to explaining to him.

"You both were arguing and I saw the way you were at your house, so alert and you didn't looked like you," he says,

"Every couple argues baba, but it doesn't mean anything-"

"Just answer me one thing," he cuts me off,
"Does he make you cry?"

I look down, hiding my tears from him, "It's not what you think of, he does not do any harm to me, baba."

"But he makes you cry, without harming you?" Baba tugs my hand, "Please answer me, please tell me, I don't want to watch you suffer for ten years just because you are afraid."

"I am not afraid baba," I say firmly, "I know when to keep him in place. I also know where to draw the line."

I wiped my tears, "I am not telling you all this to satisfy you, I am telling the truth."

"Look, if you want, I can ease up the process, and you can easily get a divorce-"

My heart dropped and I stare at him wide eyed,
"No, Baba. I am not getting a divorce."

"I promise you baba, I am satisfied over there, I am adjusting. I don't want to separate from him, and I am not telling this because I am in denial, but because I know what's going around me." I stated firmly,

"Fine," he replies, "But about he argued with him, what about it?"

"We had a misunderstanding baba. That's it. Everyone has it, me and you had it for a longest time," I patted his hand, "But that is not a reason to end relationships. I know you are scared hearing that story, but baba not every relatable story needs to be true for us, we can learn from it, yes, we can get inspired from it, that's all we could do. Don't take this to your heart, please."

His eyes glistened as he looked down at me, "When did you grew up so much?"

I shrugged, my lips wobbling, "I don't know." I placed my head on his knee, "But I really wanted to be loved by you, baba."

I felt his hand on my head, "Get up, my child," he says, I lift my head up, "Get up, your whole life you were far from me, now get up and get that love."

I choke back a sob, as I stood up on my knees, beside the couch handle, and placed my head on his shoulder,

I could feel his shoulders shaking as he held me, I cried on his shoulder, I cry for living in the moment I always dreamt of, to hold my father.

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