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A Y E S H A : -

"Mission successful, dear wife?"

I could feel my heart pounding loudly, I was afraid he could hear it too,

Slowly I turned around and saw him leaning against the boot door, I couldn't figure out weather he is being sarcastic or is he...angry?

The dim light of the garage blended with his face along with the shadow of the car falling on him, which didn't make him look any less like an anti-hero.

"Come on," He extended his hand towards me and I eyed him wrily. Hesitantly I placed my hand in his and climbed out of the car,

He closed the door behind and gestured me with his hand to go forward, he seemed highly amused, and I am scared because of his reaction.

After few minutes we reached our bedroom without a word spoken, my anxiety was growing second by second as he closed the bedroom door and stood infront of me, before he could say anything I blurted out,

"Are you mad at me?" I bit my lip,

He cocked his eyebrow, "You tell me, should I be?"

"Yes?" I shrug unsurely, "But don't be." I added,

"Okay," he replies,

I was taken aback by his tone, "Okay?"

"I won't be mad." He says, a grin forming on his mouth.

"Why?" I ask looking at him suspiciously,

"Cause you said so?" He shrugs indefinitely,

"Yeah- but I- I mean, I sneaked out know..?" I toyed with the skin around my nails.

"You sneaked out?" He feign surprise, "I couldn't believe."

"Is it the calm before storm?" I muttered to myself,

He chuckles, shaking his head, "No, I already knew from the start that you were hidden in the boot."

I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks and my mouth hung open in shock,
"Wha- no you couldn't y-you might be joking, I mean I- planned out so well.." I babbled out shocked and confused, trying to coverup,

"You planned out well? Hm let me think.." he mocked, tapping his chin thoughtfully.

"Well I could appreciate the effort of you setting up my alarm and making me late, although I was confused, wondering why my wife was tip toeing around the room at the middle of the night, but I got my answer when I came back in the room to take my phone, which let me tell you, was very suspiciously placed so under the bed, Ah and here's the catch, listen..." he continued mockingly all the while leaving me to look at him in shock,

"The place where my wife was sleeping suddenly looked so weird, it almost looked like...a pillow wall? hmm very thoughtful indeed. And before I got up I noticed your hair was open and all sprawled over the pillow, so suddenly disappearance of the hairs made me lift up the blanket, and to my great surprise, pillows." he claps his hands in utter delight, "Plus, you never sleep with blankets up till your head, it suffocates you."

I try to ignore how he knows that about me, as he continues,

"Also the way Yousuf kept acting weird and not letting anyone go to the back storeroom, I knew he saw you and was covering up for you, And I also saw some of your sleeve's clothe on Jerry's claw, I take it you had pretty.. intense meeting with the cat." He finishes, his eyes darting down to my hands,

Reeling back from my shocked state, I take a look at my hand, where that furball scratched me and replied dryly, "Yeah pretty intense."

He took my hand in his and observed it carefully, "Does it hurt?" He asks observing the nail marks on my hand, there was a few dry blood on it, but it doesn't hurt or burn anymore.

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