CHAPTER 26-IRHAA?~ Farhan💀

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F A R H A N : -

"Don't forget to send the confirmation email to Mr. Wazir for the Friday meeting." I say to my assistant tahir as he closed his laptop and kept in his office bag.

"Yes sir..but sir, isn't junaid sir was leaving for istanbul next week?" tahir questioned, adjusting his rimmed glasses around his face.

"Yes he is." I confirm.

"And sir today is Friday." He drawled and I raise an eyebrow at him,

"The point, Tahir." I urged him massaging my temples.

"Oh yes, wouldn't too be leaving with him?" tahir asked hesitantly, this goody two shoes talks so carefully around me, like I am a ticking time bomb.

"No," I exhale a sigh, "I have some business to finish and besides I couldn't just leave this deal with Usman Wazir, it's very important for our company." I got up from my leather seat and collected my coat, which was hung on the back of my chair.

"Yes, right sir." tahir pointed.

"And if this deal goes according to my plan, I think I would go to istanbul two weeks later." I say wearing my coat.

"Alright sir, is anything for me to do sir?" tahir asked as he stood up with me.

"No, you may leave too Tahir." I gave him
a nod and tahir followed me out of my cabin.

"Have a great evening, sir." Tahir said and I give him an another nod before leaving my office and asking tahir to lock it behind me.

Reaching the parking, I walked towards my car and drive away from my office building. After twenty minutes of driving aimlessly on the roads of Ankara city, I stopped my car near a small park, feeling a little restless.

Removing my coat I climb out of the car and slammed the door behind me, the chilly winter winds gushed through me, making my hair flutter along with it, I stood there against those winds resting my arms on the roof of the car, gazing at the disturbing hues of dark blue on the evening sky of Ankara, I close my eyes, feeling the chilly winds sweeping right through me, I tried to calm my restless heart, but it didn't tried to work.

It was December now, the month in which the winter is in full force, and also the month, in which my family and I experienced immense grief and pain.

Fishing out a cigarette from my pocket I placed it between my lips and lit up, taking a puff, i stared at the empty slides and swings of the park,

The restlessness was always there in my heart, sometimes I wonder if my heart even functions till now, or is it just cold stone, pumping blood with no emotions, four years ago all the emotions with it, the careless, reckless self of me kind of died with my brother, got buried with him.

In a moment, everything changes. And that change is enough to change a human, it's life. A normal happy life, The people around it. In a moment you are living, everything is fine, normal. And the next you know you faced a loss. A big one. You don't even get the time to accept when everything around you comes clashing down, one by one. And the worst part? You don't have the power to change to it. It's even worse when you don't even know what to do.

Since four, almost five years now, I didn't got out of that moment. The moment since my world crumbled right in front of me. Every single minute, seconds, I feel there is something more, something more to happen. This is going too good, it can't be like that. I know it will always be like this. Waiting for an another shoe to drop, waiting for that trauma to settle in. And at the end living with it.

Many people have said to me, it's alright, people die everyday, everyone losses their family members one day but you shouldn't be still mopping around it. Yes people do die everyday, but they don't get accused os something and get humiliated even after being dead.

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