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F A R H A N :-

The sound of rain hitting on the ground was the only thing I could here before it got muffled by the man's voice standing in front of me,

Wearing his navy blue uniform, the stars on his shoulders used to be three, but now it's just one. The blue cap on his head contrasted well with his determined face. His hazel eyes wearing a sense of determination, so strong that it could be compared with the storm brewing outside.

His posture was rigid, alert, determined. So ldifferent from how he is at home. His stance spoke of courage and responsibility.

"Why you? Why couldn't it be someone else? You know we can't live without you, what if something happens to you? Absolutely not. Please listen to me, Bhai please listen to me," I rush after him as he turned around walked out in the storm.

I kept calling him, begging him to come back, but he didn't listen, he kept walking in the storm, until he was swallowed in it and I could no longer see him, hear him.

He was gone.

I take a step forward to run forward but as I lift my foot to walk, I trip on something and fell on it. Only it wasn't something, it was someone.

It was my Brother. The only difference was now, his determined face was relaxed, there wasn't a single frown on his face, because all on his face was Blood. His eyes were opened, but they were not seeing, they were still, too still for my liking. They were lifeless.

The rain fell mercilessly on him, as if didn't care how he didn't move. His crisp navy blue uniform was now dark splattered in blood, in his blood.

I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, I couldn't hear anything. Because once again his voice was muffled by the storm.

And I couldn't save him.

"We are sorry to inform you sir that Fahad Siddque has shot himself with his gun. His body was found in his Istanbul office."

My breath came in short pants as I jolt up in my bed, my heart hammering dangerously in my chest, sweat coating on my forehead.

I hold my head in my hands and started counting till my breath evens out.

"It was just a dream, just a dream, a dream, no real." I furiously muttered to myself, trying to forget the images of my nightmare.

My body jolted in alert as I hear a soft rustling noise from my side, on instinct my hand moved to grab my gun from under my pillow, but I paused when I noticed it coming from the person sleeping next to me.

I could feel the adrenaline wearing off, as I slumped back against the headboard and let out a breath, which I forgot I was holding in.

These nightmares has returned. The last time I had one merely three months, they were not per say dangerous, it was just one time, about eleven months back, when I was in Birmingham for a business trip, I had this same nightmare but it looked more real, more graphic, I thought it was for once but it kept repeating every time I closed my eyes, That happened for consecutive three days. I couldn't sleep in that hotel room thinking those walls were closing on me, I was scared to sleep again. No one wanted to see the dead body of their brother even in their thoughts. I didn't sleep for straight three days, on the third night me and my team were checking for material supply in a factory, I fainted. I know embarrassing shit.

My assistant straight up thought I died.

I wish.

After many suggestions and pushovers mostly by my parents, I started counselling, I only attended one session. I could only tolerate as much. No one fucking dictated my life. Nor my brain.

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