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The bright noon rays from the Blue sky Of the Ankara city shone through his Cabin's Window, Some rays reflecting on the shiny polished wooden desk of which the old man sat opposite to, on his high leather chair, his son always told him, he looked like a king sitting on his throne.

But the question remains, does the king feels a suffocating feeling, a feeling so immense that makes one regret their decisions?

The case file was kept wide open on his wooden desk, But his mind was not present to concentrate on the file. It was rather in the thoughts of his daughter, Ayesha.

Humza Izad Abbas never had second thoughts on his decisions his whole life. According to him the decisions made by him, Are for the best. Cause he thinks wisely. But did he thought wisely, while taking the decision of his daughter's life?

The same question was nagging him since the day he saw how his daughter was being treated by Farhan in his house, The man who, he thought is wise and perfect for his daughter, the man he trusted, he was his Apa Ayeeza Son's, he adored his elder sister and respect her as same as his mother. He thought it would be best for his daughter to get married in a place where he trusted, but he thought he would only get his daughter married with her own will and consent. Through out his life he was thought not to show emotions, As they make a person weak. In his family, girls were treated with respect and dignity, so much that when they try to cross it, their fate would lie on the hands of elders, which was either, a marriage of their choice or in worst circumstances, killed.

The males in his families didn't attach to their daughters, for them when a daughter is born, She should be raised with manners, And teach them to live dignified. They are not given any affection, or love. They think, if a girl is given enough freedom, she will eventually betray her parents by loving and having a affair with an outsider. They thought if a girl is warned before, she wouldn't even think about betraying her parents. Even Humza lived by that, but he just couldn't ignore his blessing of Allah, his daughter. He wanted to love her, give her everything in the world, spoil her. But his Ego, and generational customs, didn't allow him. But still he tried to change, he wanted to show his family, that girls could be loyal and make their parents proud even after giving her freedom and loving her with all his pride.

He started his small change, which was to appreciate her, to ask consent for her own marriage, when he learned about her ambitions He was proud of her.

But when he saw his daughter with a boy who was proposing her, And his daughter even agreed with him, the saying in his family came true, he didn't want to believe, but the scene he saw made him disappointed, and broke his heart, his trust, he wanted his daughter to prove everyone that even after giving her freedom, she stayed in her boundaries. But he didn't think twice and let his anger took over him. The situation only made him believe that it was true. And he took the decision which seemed most sensible to him.The same decision which his family members would take at the time, Marry the girl to an respected family, without any word going out.

He thought marrying off his daughter in the family would be wise, but after seeing the harsh reality of Farhan. His cold heart broke for his daughter. For her suffering. He thought she is get payed off her deeds. The tears in her eyes, aloofness from her own husband,he couldn't stand her tears. Nor any Father can. He observed how happy and freely Ayesha lived in his home, when she came to live after her marriage, He couldn't make an eye contact with his daughter. He just couldn't.

And he eventually started to take a dislike towards Farhan. Just how far that boy can go and hurt her, then act as if nothing happened. When he was informed that Ayesha was in the mall attack, his world stopped. He thought he would lose his daughter even before he regretted his decision of her life. But he was relieved and surprised to learn that, Farhan saved her. Was this just his act or something?

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