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A Y E S H A :-


Time really passes quickly, it's been weeks, and days has passed me sleeping through it, and only coming down to eat, then back at my room crying in prostration, pouring my heart to my creator, and not sleeping all night.

Today was finally my mehendi day and today finally I would be able to see my mehendi dress, which for some excited reason my sweet mother in law was really excited about, guess she is really happy about her son's wedding. I tried my best these days not to sound broken, I have to deal with this. For myself and my sanity. I tried telling myself everyday that, this is happening, my life. It was meant to be.

It was meant to be.

My all friends were here for my wedding sakina, safa and sania they all are going to stay here till my wedding, they really are a ray- no whole sunshine of my dull world. They are the only reason why I am smiling from these past days. Forgetting everything they all made their sole mission to cheer me up.

Apart from having no clue on how to feel on wedding, I dont know but I am feeling very nervous right now.

My bedroom door slammed open, and I knew Sakina has arrived. Turning from my dresser chair, I greeted them. The lights and decorations from the lawn for today's function, glimmering in my room, as my bedroom window faces the lawn, Seeing the blue red and golden lights reflecting in my room, safa twirled dreamily before beaming her bright smile.

"Hey, my beautiful bride to be!" Safa cheered.

"Hey my sunshine. Wait where is sania?"
I ask as safa settle her dress bag on my bed, and Sakina does the same.

"She will be coming with affan."
Sakina replied and eyed me suspiciously.

"Huh I just remembered! Sakina I was supposed to call Dorok and tell him I reached and I totally forgot that. You take Ayesha's clothes out while I just make a call real quick kay?" Safa gasps and Sakina nods analysing me, I knew she wanted to ask me something I could see her in her eyes.

"Okay? I will be right back!" Safa says waving her phone and leaving my room.

Sakina sat on my bed infront of me and patted the spot beside her. Getting up I sat beside her and she threw her arms around me engulfing me in a big hug, winding my arms around her, I hugged her back. I knew what she was doing she knew what was happening with me, she was comforting me, we had this thing Although everyone knew something was in me, sakina is the only one who knew that 'something', without my knowledge two tears left my eyes, I sniffled and she immediately broked the hug and looked at me,

"I know you are not happy by this marriage, I know you are not happy as you are showing everyone I can see that in your pinnochio eyes." She wiped my tears.

I chuckle despite my tears, "Pinnochio is known for his nose, not eyes."

She shrug, "Meh. I compare his eyes."

Chuckling I looked down and felt tears gather in my eyes,"Nothing is in my hands, sakina." I whispered.

"Listen. Ayesha You made this decision. And I know you don't make a decision, unless you are so sure of it. So if not anyone, believe in yourself maybe?"

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