CHAPTER 23- TEA?~ Ayesha 💕

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A Y E S H A : -

"Take care of yourself, And take your medicines on time." my mom says after bringing me in a hug.

The lunch was over and now mama, baba and murat are going back. Which I don't like. I have gone to mama's house to live first time after my marriage. I think I was longing because I had been practically living alone.

"Yes mom." I sigh and she kisses my forehead before going to bid aunt ayeeza and baba jaan.

My gaze fell on the phone which was on the couch. That phone looked quite unknown, I picked up and after looking at the black leather cover case, I realised this phone belonged to baba. I looked around for him, only to realise that he already went out after bidding everyone , while my mom was still standing and having the last minute chatting with aunt ayeeza. Typical desi mothers.

I placed my duppata on my head and took baba's phone with me to give him outside, everyone was too busy to notice me.

I climbed down the porch stairs and looked around for baba, and found him leaning on his car outside the gate, he seemed in some deep thoughts.

Securing the duppata more securely around my head, I went towards the gate which the guards opened it for me. Nodding at them I made my way to baba who seemed to be in deep thoughts.

"Baba," I call him out, the cold Afternoon winds gushed through me, and I catched my duppata, securing it.

He seemed startled as I walked towards him And showed him his phone,
"You forgot this, " I say, and he tapped at his pockets to see his phone was indeed missing.

He took his phone and nodded at me. And I gave him a smile. He stared at me for a second before saying,

"How do you do this?"

I was startled by his question. This was the longest thing he had told me after months.

"Huh? Do what baba?" I asked him confused,

"This," he gestured towards my face. And I frowned still confused. "Pretend that everything is okay?"

I didn't quite get what he was trying to say? Was it meant to offend me?

"Wha-what Am I pretending baba?" I asked perplexed.

He looked at me with a certain expression which I can't put a finger on, something very similar to, worry.

"You very well know what I am trying to say." he grunted,

Was he referring to the issues with both of us?

"No baba I..I can't understand?" I tucked the little strands of hair inside the duppata and adjusted it again.

He looked up and sighed heavily.
"Are you happy here, Is your in laws treating you right, Farhan treating you right?" He questions, my breathing hitched for a second. Why was he asking this question? I don't know weather it was the wind or his question made me shiver.

"Wha-what kind of question is that baba?" I chuckled lowly,

"You-you don't need to stay just because you have to, never settle for less, just don't ask anything to what I am saying, but understand it." He said hesitantly, choosing his words carefully.

I stared at him skeptically, I was happy that he was talking to me, but the way he talked to me, made me a little, no scratch that, a lot of uncertain.

I was about to ask him what was he talking about, but the sound of gate opening made me stop and turn around to see My mom, murat and Farhan coming out of the gate, Farhan's gaze met mine and he frowned looking at me.

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