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A Y E S H A : -

I was so wrong.

I didn't get any answers.


I refused to talk to him not only for not telling me of his possible excuses for having such dangerous enemies or that house in which we stayed the night and left in morning but for also the harsh words he said to me which made a deep cut in my heart, this time I am not going forgive him so easily. He can't always just say something to me and expect to everything to be normal so he could do this again. No. Not again. Never now. I am determined, this time I am not going to cry and listen to everything he says. I have my right to get answers.

A tiny part of me was scared that my silent treatment to him won't even bother him. But I can see from his attempts to crack a conversation that it was effecting him.

Good. He deserves it.

I didn't talk to him when we were leaving that identical kardashian's house. I thought maybe somehow I can talk to hajra and try to get some explanation of this, seeming quite familiar with all these, but that woman didn't even budged and acted oblivious.

Now I am sure there was something they all are hiding. What if Farhan is really into some drug dealing mafia team? I've read enough mafia stories of business man being underground don. What if my husband is really some don? Thinking about every possible theories I did not get a wink of sleep the whole night, thinking about what would happen if I didn't saw that man who was about to shoot Farhan, was enough to give me nightmares. I think alot, and thus always my headache.

"I got a call from our neighbours this morning." Farhan's voice snapped me out of my trance.

I looked at him and saw his gaze fixed on the road ahead, glancing at me occasionally.

"Why?" I asked confused.

I looked out of my side of window, watching the tress shining from the morning sun of Ankara city, passing by in blur,

"They said that maybe a kid from our house threw something on their brand new speakers and destroyed it." he says glancing at me through his sunglasses.

Slowly it clicked me, I was so angry after our fight that I threw a shovel down over our neighbour's backyard.

I really did that?

"I wonder- how could they know we have a kid in our house? And how could they say it was- uh from our house only? Someone else might have thrown shovel to their speakers. Yeah I mean they are just um confused maybe? Right?" I ranted out out. Making him convince it was someone else. It always works.

He was silent for few minutes and drove silently. He might be convinced, I mean how could someone think a grown woman- me, could throw a shovel?

"Ayesha?" He called out.

"Hm?" I asked watching kids sleeping in their school bus, which passed by.

"I never mentioned a shovel and a kid could not throw a shovel so perfectly." I could hear amusement in his voice.

"I have a good aim." I mutter distractedly.

"I told them the same." He replies.

It takes me a few seconds to register to what happened.

"I didn't knew you were a angry woman." I heard his amused voice.

"Last night didn't prove you that?" I mumbled and that made him instantly shut up.

We were silent throughout the whole ride to our house, but as soon as he parked inside the garage, he spoke.

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