No Running

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I dare you..." Michael grinned to Carolyn. "C'mon, one last adventure before you run off..." He swung her hand as they approached the iron gate.

"Why would I break into somebody's house? That's ridiculous! Especially THAT HOUSE. I hear it's haunted!" Carolyn exclaimed.

"It's not haunted," Michael scoffed. "That's just some old story people made up."

She rolled her eyes and sighed loudly. "Why do I let you talk me into such things..."

He waggled his eyebrows to match his conniving grin. "Because you love me..."

She responded with a playful smack to his upper arm.

"Ow!" He cried, rubbing his arm.

"Michael Shepherd, I love you so much it hurts."

"Now I hurt!"

"Good, now you know how it feels." She remarked loudly.

"Let me make it better," he said leaning in and pulling her close to him. "Love doesn't always have to hurt." He said softly in her ear before kissing it.

She giggled and turned to take him fully on her lips. He was right, it didn't have to hurt. But right now it did. She'd be moving away to the other side of the country for school. And though he said he would wait, she was trying really hard not to get her hopes up. He was just a boy. And she was just a girl. Right?


Cassie watched Meredith asleep on the couch, her good arm wrapped tightly around her stomach with her legs curled up such that she only took up one cushion. Her son, Bailey, took up the other two cushions, sleeping flat on his stomach, arms and legs spread wide. Her daughter, Zola, was awake and lay on the floor quietly drawing a picture.

She couldn't believe what happened earlier that day. How had everyone become so inconsiderate? Didn't they recognize someone in pain? She had hoped, at least for a little while, that Meredith could find a haven here from whatever it was that she was running from, but this sort of thing happening was discouraging. What was worse, she had no idea how to fix it. Which had never happened before. Usually her second sense kicked in, and she was able to see what was needed for each person that happened to land here... but not Meredith Grey.

"Hey Cassie, come and help me with this..." She heard George call from the front door.

"Oh, coming George," she said. She put her tea down and greeted him at the door. "What's all this?" she asked, gesturing to the suitcases and bags he'd piled at the door.

"It's Miss Grey's. Fred at the autobody shop said the insurance company left it for her to pick up, but they couldn't reach her by phone, so he just let me bring it here for her."

"Oh, Okay," Cassie smiled. Meredith would be happy to get her stuff back. She picked up a suitcase and a large shopping bag full of odds and ends and followed him upstairs. As she reached the last step, she stumbled and the bag flew out of her hand, landing hard on the floor and spilling its contents on the rug. "Ohh." Cassie sighed, and bent down to put everything back.

It was the usual items, a hairbrush, lip gloss, a notebook and pen, a cheap romance novel... Cassie gasped when she saw the family picture. Meredith in a hospital bed holding a newborn, which was obviously Bailey, judging by the deflated pregnancy bump and her very happy smile. Standing beside her with Zola was also a very proud father, his dark hair sticking out around his ears as he grinned at the camera.

Cassie carefully put the picture back in the bag before noticing something else on the floor. Another photo? She picked it up, no it wasn't a photo, it was something much more precious. Vows.

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