Married Here? Here, Here?

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Carolyn shook her head as Michael pried off one of the boards over the window with a crowbar. "I can't believe we're actually doing this..." She looked behind her suddenly, feeling goosebumps travel up her spine.

Michael hoisted himself into the house, "C'mon, it'll be fine. You'll never know what you may just find!"

"Mm hmm." she said, though she didn't quite believe him. He held his hand out for her to take, but she shook her head. "I'm not crawling through a window, Michael James Shepherd. You can unlock the door for me."

He chuckled, "Of course."

There was some shuffling and noises. Carolyn stood in front of the door, her eyebrow raised in expectation. Finally, Michael opened the door for her, his eyes shining with awe. "You gotta see this..."

She stepped in, her eyes sweeping through the grand front room. Yes, it was old and worn and dusty... but if one had the imagination, you could see it come to life... She imagined the faded rug a deep cherry red, and the scuffed cracked hardwood floors polished and stained in a delicious chestnut color. She could see pictures of regal family members hanging where rusted nails lay bare. Where the broken mirror was, she imagined a large oval decorative mirror, shining from the glint of silver polish on its surface. And the stairs... a floral patterened carpet, and as you walked up, your hand would grip the strong oak bannister.


"Extraordinary, isn't it?" Michael said, taking her hand and leading her in a few more steps.

She breathed, and she felt like she was breathing in history. "It's..." Wonderful, awe inspiring, gorgeous, beautiful. Strong.

"Mm," He said. And then he pulled her further in and turned around to face her. "Carolyn, I... there's something I want to say to you."

Her heart skipped a beat. This was it wasn't it? He was going to let her go... be nice about it, say something like... you're lovely, and beautiful, but- Right? She stared into his shining blue eyes, the eyes that had gripped her since she met him.

He smiled at her, softly, and she sucked in a breath. Quickly now Michael, get this off your chest, before I get any more attached, she thought. Just do it. "Yes?"

He took in a deep breath. "I love you... I feel like... I've alway's loved you. Since before strawberry milkshakes and flat tires." He shook his head. "You just- you're here. With me. Nobody's done that before... and-" He cleared his throat and reached into his back pocket.

What? Wait- Carolyn thought, was he- he wasn't going to propose was he? Because that was- that would be- Wow! She trembled at the thought.

"I love you. And you love me," Michael continued. "But you're going away, and I want to promise..." He pulled a thick object from behind him.

But it wasn't a ring.

It was his compass. He held it in both hands and opened it up, the needle spun around for a second, until it stopped at the 'N', which also pointed at Michael. He let out a little embarrassed giggle, "I, um can't afford a ring right now... but I got this fixed, and I want to promise to you, that you'll always find me. If you, um... want to," he shrugged, "Get married someday I mean..."

She stared at the tarnished bronze compass. "You want to- I mean- you and I..." she gestured between them, "Married. You want to marry me?" she stumbled out.

Micheal nodded, "Yes. Yes!" He said, a big white smile lighting up his usual tanned features. Then he coughed. "Um... well if you want to-"

"Yes! Yes, Michael Shepherd! I do want to marry you!" Carolyn lept onto him, which was a mistake, because the floors on this old house were a little rotted, and as she lunged into Michael's arms, he stumbled back, and the weak floorboards gave way under his feet, sending the two of them into the unknown mysterious depths of the Grey House.

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