Alone, but not Really.

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Grace sat up a little straighter in her bed when Meredith entered. Meeting her was unexpected, for sure... but it was a pleasant surprise. She knew how awful Meredith must be feeling, so maybe this could be a chance to talk to her, reassure her.

"Hi." Meredith said, taking a few more steps closer. Her arm was in a sling, and two children trailed in behind her. The oldest, a dark little girl, stared at her with bright curiosity. Grace wondered if she was adopted. The boy peered at her from behind Meredith's leg. Definitely her son, she thought.

"Is that the girl, mommy?" The girl asked, pointing.

Meredith rolled her eyes and smiled apologetically. "Yes, sweetie, this was the other girl in the accident."

"But she was hurted... is she better?" Zola swung her and her mother's arm.

"Why don't you ask her?" Meredith said, gently pulling her closer. She met Grace's eyes again, "Um, this is Zola. And that's Bailey..." she put her free hand on her blonde son's head. "Guys, this is Grace, Cassie's daughter."

Shy Bailey ducked his head again behind Meredith, but Zola spoke up, "Are you better? Did the doctors fix you?"

"Yes, they did... I'm just going to be sore for awhile." Grace replied.

"Oh," Zola said, walking up closer. "My mommy is too. Her shoulder has a owie."

"Yeah, I see that..." Grace nodded and smiled at the girl. She was so cute and had so many questions.

"One time, I was riding my purple bike and goin really fast, then I felled off and scraped my knee... it hurt a lot. Unca Alex put stitches in and I got Dora band-aids. Did you get Dora band-aids?"

Grace smiled a little, "No, my owie was too big for Dora band-aids."

"Oh." Zola said, dissappointed.

"She thinks Dora band-aids have super healing powers..." Meredith said. "Her Aunt Maggie suggested it once."

Grace smiled. "Aww, that's so cute."

Meredith nodded with a small smile. A tense moment followed.

"Hey, do you guys want to go get stickers... They have them at the nurses station." Her mother offered. "I can take you there."

Zola looked at Meredith who said, "Zola, do you want to go with Cassie and get stickers?"


"Okay, well, go take your brother. I'll be... I'll be right here."

Cassie smiled and took Zola and Bailey's hands, leading them out the door.

They were alone.

Meredith stayed where she was, her eyes wandering the room as she nervously fidgeted. "So... you're okay?" she asked.

Grace paused before she answered. She was okay. She always knew she was because... well, she knew. She was sore, she'd been scared when she'd first been hit. But she'd gotten over it. She was on pain medication, food wasn't quite as appetizing, and she got tired fast. But her mom was here, and Nick, and Sam. Even Aunt Abigail. She was okay. "I'm sore," she said, "But, I bounce back quick."

"I'm sorry," Meredith whispered, bringing her gaze to meet Grace's. "I'm sorry I hit you."

That very first moment when she'd awakened in the car, Meredith had been there. Hovering over her, concerned and trying to reassure her. "I know you are." Grace said, "It was an accident, and you stayed and helped. I forgive you." Sam said she stayed with her until they got to the hospital. "Sam said you're a doctor. A surgeon."

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