Walking Tragedy

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A/N: Thanks for reading!


Phyllis's funeral was a dreary affair, and Carolyn bore through it, holding Michael's hand as he stared blankly ahead. Apparently, as much as Michael loved his Grandmother, the rest of his family didn't quite share the same opinion. Thus, she had yet to meet any of the Shepherd clan, except for a few distant relatives.

Liz Merriwick was one of them. Carolyn didn't quite know what to make of her. Perhaps she was jealous, as she had caught Michael and Liz in hushed conversation twice now, of what she didn't know, because they would stop before she could get close. Michael had told her that she'd visited him in New York when they were little and played together, so perhaps they were just catching up...

But wasn't she supposed to be the one he confided in now? Wasn't that the whole 'fiance' thing now? Absently, her hand rested on her abdomen. Right. Carolyn arched a brow, making a decision. It wasn't just about her anymore.

She approached the two, who were seated on the sofa, an empty cushion between them. "Micheal," she smiled. "Liz," she nodded at the other woman. "Can I talk to you?" she asked him.

He looked up at her, his gaze empty and expressionless. It was Liz who answered for him, "Of course," she smiled quickly, tucking a lock of dark hair behind her ears and picking up her glass of water. She patted him on the knee, and he nodded.

Carolyn sat down beside her soon-to-be husband. She opened her mouth to speak- but- he beat her to it.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I've been shutting you out." His warm hand covered hers.

"Mm, I would say so... Are you alright?"

"I don't know... Phyllis... she... I don't know what I'm going to do."

"Well," Carolyn hummed, "In a little while, we'll be married, and have a place of our own... and..." she paused, twisting the engagement ring that he'd saved so hard to give her. "Michael... I'm pregnant." The smile on her lips was quick and hopeful... this could be a good thing.

He blinked. His indigo eyes seeming to turn a deeper blue, if ever it was possible. He swallowed and stood up, his fingertips leaving her hand empty.

"Michael?" Carolyn asked, shocked.

"I can't-" he shook his head, looking like the world fell on his shoulders. "We'll talk about this later." And then he walked away.

Bereft, Carolyn swallowed the lump in her throat as she watched him leave the house. And then her gaze fell on a concerned Liz Merriwick, as she too, watched the scene unfold.


Meredith rubbed her shoulder as she gazed through the doorway at the man on the bed. Her well trained eyes had caught all the stats on the monitors and besides a slightly below average blood pressure, it seemed Dr. Radford should be well on his way to recovery. Cassie slept in a chair close by, and Nick clutched his father's hand, seeming very much at peace now.

But there at the doorway, she stopped. An invisible barrier prevented her from moving forward, and yet, she could not bring herself to leave. Minutes ticked by but she didn't notice. Her feet refused to obey any command so she just leaned in the doorway instead.

"Hey," Cassie's voice shook her from her reverie.

"Hey," said Meredith, shifting to stand upright.

"How long have you been here?" she asked.

Meredith shrugged, she didn't really know. "Oh- I..." she changed the subject. "He's okay?" she asked instead.

Cassie gazed at the man on the bed, her eyes warm with compassion, and Meredith could see that these two were close. "The doctors said barring any complications, he should be just fine."

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