Random Dirt Covered Objects

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Meredith had started to walk with purpose down the hallway, out of ICU, to the stairwell, (the elevators were only being used to transport emergent patients and supplies) but when she pushed open the door to the emergency ward, a sudden weariness hit her.

She took a moment, breathed in and out, massaged her neck. "You can do this," she muttered. She could help. She needed to help. Meredith observed the area, trying to figure out where she could be of most use.

Suddenly the door burst open and a man ran in, carrying a child in his arms. "My son, he- please, someone help my son!"

Instantly, she moved forward into the action. "I'm a doctor, what happened?" Meredith reached over, gesturing for someone to bring over a gurney.

"The house... it collapsed... he... oh God, do something please, he's not waking up."

"Okay, okay," Meredith began to check the boy for injuries... his arm was broken, and as she gently inspected it, he suddenly gasped and cried out, "Mommy!"

"Mommy's coming, she's coming Christopher," the man said.

"Daddy..." The boy whined, and Meredith wiped an eye before continuing her examination. Thoughts of Bailey and Zola were dancing in her mind. They were alright, right?

She expertly palpated the boy's abdomen and did the standard neuro check, pupils were fine, the boy could move all his digits, he was responsive and talking. Besides his arm and perhaps some shock, he should be fine.

"Is he..." The man asked, worry etched all over his features.

"He's going to be fine. His arm is broken, and he's a little shocky, but he will be just fine." Meredith reassured, covering Christopher with a blanket.

"He's fine?"

"Yes," she nodded, "He'll be just fine." But thoughts and worries of her own children rained down on her, and she looked around, quickly pulling a nurse aside. "This boy has a broken arm. He needs an X-ray, I don't think it's a clean break."

And then she had to go.

She rushed out the door, but not before a certain sharp-eyed Mother-in-law noticed. "Meredith!" Carolyn called, causing her to stop in the busy entrance. Eyes wide with concern, Carolyn approached swiftly. "Where are you going?"

Meredith shook her head. "I have to make sure my kids are okay. I can't..." she sighed.

Carolyn nodded astutely. She grabbed Meredith's upper arm, as if to transfer strenghth. "Go then, dear, I understand. How is Dr. Radford?" she asked.

"He's still unconscious, but he should be fine." Meredith said. She took Carolyn's hand, "Tell Cassie..." she trailed off. Tell Cassie what? Sorry? I'm too dark and twisty for your telepathic superpowers? Tell her to tell the universe to go to hell? Tell her to stop trying to fix her, that she was a lost cause anyway? She sighed. "Nevermind."


She pulled away, out the door. Her heart suddenly aching for her children. She wanted Zola's hugs and Bailey's kisses. "I..." In the corner of her eye, she saw a police car. Brandon's. He could give her a ride. "I have to go."


Grace brought ice packs and blankets to the front entrance, where a mini triage had been set up. Her ribs ached, she supposed the painkillers were wearing off now. She was tired. She probably should get some rest.

A sudden commotion at the front door caught her attention, but before she could address it, Meredith was there, taking charge and helping a man and his little son. Suddenly she was pulled aside by an orderly and a stack of blankets placed in her arms. "Can you take these to the patients in the cafeteria?"

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