Sucking in Strays

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A/N: For Good Witch fans, a note about Derek. In 2005, Derek Lived in New York with his then wife, Addison. He had a successful private practice and was very busy. But he came home one night to find Addison in bed with his best friend. After that, he abruptly left New York and travelled across the country to Seattle where he met Meredith. (Which is where Greys's Anatomy picks up in the first season.) 

This next scene will encompass what happened before Derek came to Seattle.


2005 Middleton:

"Here," Cassie handed her husband the umbrella.

"But it's sunny out. Eighty degrees all day." Jake argued, throwing on his jacket.

Cassie only shrugged. It was going to rain today, she knew. She pushed the umbrella to his chest, as if in challenge.

"You know, maybe you should be the weather woman," he murmured, kissing her.

"Maybe," Cassie batted her eyelashes.

He gripped the umbrella, surrendering. "Love you. See you tonight."

"Love you too."

Leaning against the doorframe, Cassie watched him get into his car and drive away. She loved him so much. She padded into the kitchen and washed out her tea mug. There was a lot to do today. She had to get Grace ready for school, open the store... And prepare for a guest.


Cassie finished the final touches of the room, fluffing the pillows and refreshing the toiletry supply. He would be here soon, her guest. Lightly stepping down the stairs, she closed her eyes. He was here.

"Hello," she greeted, opening the door.

"Wha-oh!" the man stepped back into the rain, surprised by her sudden appearance.

"Do come in," she said.

"Uh," he stammered, looking around as if she was expecting someone else and not him.

"Please," she said. "You're quite wet."

"Thanks," he said, finally stepping inside. Taking off his gloves, he ran a hand through his sopping hair.

"You've been outside for awhile," she observed.

"Next door-" he said. "There used to be a house-"

"It was torn down," Cassie remarked sadly. "I've heard they'll be building a new one."


"Someone you know?"

"My... um, my grandmother, used to..." he jerked a thumb back in the direction whence he came. "She passed away."

"I'm sorry," Cassie said softly.

"It's alright. Just... memories you know?" The corners around his eyes were tight and tense, and puffy bags made him look weary. He rubbed his forehead, and she caught the glint of his ring with the glint of rain on his skin.

"I do. So," she picked up her guestbook. "One night or two?"


The next morning she woke up very early, before even her husband was awake, and padded downstairs. Her guest would be up soon, if he wasn't already. She prepared coffee, toast and fruit. A light but nutritious breakfast. A thought occured to her and she rummaged around for the unopened box of granola she'd bought a week ago.

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