You're Going to be Fine

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A/N: Thanks for reading, everyone!

For Good Witch fans, Carolyn Maloney is Meredith Grey's Mother-in-Law.

1956 Middleton, USA

Carolyn Maloney walked up to the counter at the Middleton soda shoppe. "What can I get for you miss?" Mr. Tinsdale asked, wiping a glass clean for her.

"A strawberry shake please," Carolyn plunked her purse on the counter and settled on a stool at the counter.

"Of course," he smiled as he began her order.

"Mr. Tinsdale?" Carolyn couldn't help it, she was so happy today. She wanted to share.

"Yes," he said over the roar of the blender.

"Today I'm fifteen." Fifteen was one more step to sixteen... she couldn't wait. She wasn't a little kid anymore.

"Oh, are you now..."


"Well I guess that means an extra cherry then," He smothered the shake with whipped cream and popped two cherries on top.

"Oh thank you." Carolyn happily eyed the cool treat, taking time just to enjoy the look of it before she sipped some of the sweet beverage.

The bell over the door jingled, and a tall dark-haired boy walked in. Carolyn watched him shyly from her corner. He was new, she'd never seen him before. She wondered if he was with that family that moved in next to the Grey House. But my, he was covered in dirt. He waved a couple of bills, "Root beer soda, Pops." He said, and he made a clicking sound, "on the rocks."

He was trying to be cool, Carolyn shook her head. He was so full of himself. And heavens that hair was a mess! The boy needed a cut. When he met her gaze, she averted her eyes, looking down at her shake. "So is this a good place to hang out?" he asked.

She ignored him. Janine would be by later and they would be off to go swimming. She just wanted to enjoy her shake.

"Oh, you're ignoring me... You can't ignore me."

So full of himself. She had to put him in his place. "You look like you rolled in the mud and got your hair permed by an old lady," she snarked, wrinkling her nose. "And you smell."

He actually had the decency to look offended. He lifted an arm to smell his armpit, "Bossy!" He said, smiling, his blue eyes dancing.

She rolled her eyes. "Mr. Tinsdale, can I have my shake to go?" she asked. Mr. Tinsdale nodded and picked up her shake to pour into a paper cup for her. Time to get away from smelly boys.

She picked up her shake and her purse, and left some change to pay for her treat. Her brand new Schwinn bicycle was parked outside, with a basket perfect for her purse. Shaking her head, she hopped on the bike and cycled away.

She hadn't gone far when she noticed she was being followed. That stupid stinky boy. "Oh for crying out loud!" she moaned.

He grinned, "I love a good chase," he said, barely panting as he peddled beside her on his own bike.

Carolyn rose out of her seat, peddling harder and faster to get away. "Go away, I don't like you."

"Well, I'm the kinda guy you need to know to like," he replied, pulling up beside her on his own bike.

Smarmy. "Oooh," she huffed. "There are-" and then her front tire struck something, the bicycle jerked. Carolyn launched in the air, flipping, her arms flailed before she landed flat on her back. Her bicycle clunked and clanked as it landed beside her.

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