It's Scratched

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Picking up right where we left off...


Well, it was time. Cassie stirred the pot one last time before pouring the soup into bright red bowls. Carolyn had prepared a salad, the table was set, and the biscuits piled in a bowl and covered by a terry cloth to keep them warm. "George!" she called out the window, "lunch!"

"Shall I get Meredith?" Carolyn asked.

"Not necessary," Cassie smiled. Sure enough, the sound of rambunctious children carried into the kitchen.

Zola slid in on her sock feet like an ice skater and let out a wild giggle. "I smell grilled cheese!" she said. Bailey attempted to copy her, but ended up sprawled on the floor. Startled for a second, the corners of his mouth bent and his face scrunched up, but then he laughed.

"Guys! What did I say about running! Be careful!" Meredith scolded as she trailed them.

"Sowwy," Bailey said.

"But it was fun!" Zola exclaimed.

"I'm sure it was, but I don't want to see you hurt."

"Sorry, mommy," Zola said, appropriately chastened.

Meredith gave her daughter a kiss on the top of her head. "It's okay, lovebug. Just don't do it again."

"Hey guys!" Cassie greeted them. "I thought you might be extra hungry, so yes, we are having grilled cheese."

"Cheeeese," Bailey said.

Meredith chuckled. "They love grilled cheese."

"Mommy loves it too."

"That's right, Zola, I do."

They settled around the table, Cassie at the head with Zola and Carolyn on each side, Meredith beside Zola, with Bailey on her right. George came in a few minutes later and sat beside Carolyn.

And so, lunch continued. The kids chattered, Bailey showed off his scraped knee and the Hello Kitty Band-Aid on it, Zola talked about the treasure box, and Carolyn and George reminisced on the 'good ol' days'.

But Cassie fixed her attention on Meredith, intuiting what would happen next, and while she understood it, she wished it wasn't so.

When dinner was over, the kids and George played in the living room while she and Carolyn cleaned up the kitchen. Meredith cleared her throat, catching her attention. She nodded and excused herself from the kitchen, meeting Meredith in the foyer.

"Cassie, I-" Meredith sighed loudly. "Thank you for everything. These last few days... I-I've never felt more at home. At least since Derek... Anyway, um, I think I'm ready. I think I should get back home. To Seattle. I've got like fifty missed calls from all my friends and family... They're worried about me, and I should–I should go back."


"Please don't try to change my mind. I need to do this. I need to face it and get on with things. I need to go."

"I know," Cassie said.

Meredith raised her eyebrows. "You do?"

She'd guessed it since she sensed Meredith coming down for dinner. There was a tenseness in her face, her posture. "Meredith, I know. I can't keep you here, not if you don't want to."

"Oh, good. You've been great to me and the kids. It's just..."

"It's a lot."

"A lot," she nodded. "Well, I'm gonna get packed, and then we can settle up."

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