X Marks the Spot (Again)

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"Is that?-" Carolyn stepped forward, and Cassie handed the brass instrument to her.

George bent over to look at it. "Looks like a World War 1 compass," he chimed in. "An heirloom for sure."

"Michael's father passed it down." Carolyn said. She sat down and held it up to the light. It caught Bailey's eye too and the toddler crawled on her lap to get a look himself. Carolyn held the compass so he could see and touch it, his little chubby fingers pressing against the hard metal case.

Zola, Carolyn observed, quietly kept an eye on the whole situation from her position on the floor where she colored away.

"I found it years ago," Cassie continued. "Jake and I were renovating the basement. I couldn't part with it, so I kept it with some other keepsakes. A few days ago, I was doing some cleaning, and re-discovered it. I had this feeling... so I had it sent off to get fixed." She pulled out a paper from the box and read the note. "Dear Cassie," she began, "A wonderful little antique you have here. I didn't charge you anything, because this compass is not broken!"

Carolyn opened it to confirm. "It's not spinning now," she said.

"Daddy!" Bailey reached over Carolyn, his little fingers grabbing at the small tool.

"Hmm, that's not North." George said.

Cassie's brow wrinkled. "Strange, I did think it was broken. The arrow kept spinning when I found it the first time." Even as Bailey grabbed at it, the arrow continued to point west, toward the door.

"How can possibly think it will help us now?" Carolyn asked, staring at the finicky device.

"The compass isn't broken. It's charmed. I believe it will take us to our missing friend."

"Wait-" Brandon interrupted. "Someone's missing?"

"One of my guests went for a walk in the woods. She hasn't come back yet." Cassie said.

"Then I'm helping."

Cassie looked around. "Well, the more the merrier."

"What are we waiting for?" Carolyn stood up. "Let's go."

Zola, who had been listening intently the whole time, looked up from her drawings. "Are we gonna find mommy?"

"We're going to find her," Carolyn said most assuredly. "But perhaps you and Bailey should stay here. George-"

"No, I want mom!"

"Mommy!" Bailey demanded too. "Want Mommy!"

"It's alright," Cassie said, "They can come. George can help."

Carolyn was unsure for a moment. Bringing along a toddler and a five-year old for a trek seemed a bit much, but then she nodded in agreement. The kids needed their mother. The sooner the better.


Cassie and Sam led the way with Carolyn trailing lightly behind her, holding Zola's hand. Behind them, 'the boys' Brandon, Bailey, and George followed them. Cassie led the way down to the bridge and stopped. She could still feel it. A pulse of energy, as if from an unseen fissure. Maybe...

"Zola, come here sweetie," she said.

The little girl stepped forward boldly. "Mommy was here," Zola pointed. She looked down at the water. "And daddy."

"How do you know that?"

"I dreamed it."

"That's wonderful," Cassie said, sneaking a glance up at Carolyn, who only raised a brow. The open nature of children often led them to better see the universe's hidden signals, Cassie knew. She caught a look of disbelief from Sam, but paid it no mind. "Zola, can you do something for me? Can you hold this?" She opened the compass and put it firmly into her dark little hands.

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