Shaking Things Up

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Part of the reason I leave cliffhangers is because it gives me a jumping off point... so here we go!

Just Outside of Middleton:

Sam yawned and wiped his eyes. He'd been pulled into an unexpected surgery, and was only now coming home. His phone rang, and he pressed the button to answer on his bluetooth.

"Dad?" Nick's voice came clear over the phone.

"Hey Nick," Sam answered, a little guilty that he'd missed time with Nick.

"When are you gonna be home?" Nick asked.

"I'm on my way right now, in a few-"

But his car jerked, swayed, bounced, and he had to focus on the road. "What the?-" Sam exclaimed, gripping the wheel. Suddenly the bus in front of him bucked violently, spun ninety degrees, and tipped over!

Sam couldn't control his vehicle as the ground seemed to move on its own. He was in the air. He hit the brakes, but it was no use, since he was airborne.

"Dad!" he heard Nick calling, but all he knew was blackness.


Meredith had been sleeping when the bed moved. Things rattled and shook. There was an awful rumbling noise, and cracking... She bolted up, her hand fell on her stomach instinctually. .

"Mom?" Zola asked, confused.

Bailey was still snoring lightly away. Meredith inhaled a panicked breath, an earthquake? What the hell?. "Come with me," she said, quickly grabbing Bailey's arm. "Ow!" she hissed in pain, but there was no time, no time. All she could remember about earthquakes was doorway. Get to the door, and pray nothing falls on you.

Bailey cried, but she ignored it and led Zola to the doorway opening the door slightly so she could lean inside the doorframe. "Stay right here Zola, and hold onto the side, don't move."

Bailey had whimpered and wrapped his arms around her neck. She bit back tears of pain as she leaned against the doorframe, holding in every ounce of fear while they rode out the wave.


"Sam!" Cassie cried out, but even then, the floor was shaking, things were rattling, cracking and booming. She blinked in surprise. An earthquake? Here, in Middleton? But as things continued to shake, she cast her questions aside and dashed for the doorway.

Even as the house shook and things crashed around her, Cassie's thoughts flew to Sam. What had woken her up so? What happened? The last time she'd bolted out of bed like this, it had been Jake's name she'd cried out, in the dead of night. And he never came home after that.

Soon the rumbling stopped. The house stopped shaking, the rattling and cracking stopped, and silence filled the air...

And then she heard Bailey crying. Cassie bit her lip, should she go over to them? Aftershocks could be on the way. She decided to risk it, traveling down the hall in quick long strides. She found Meredith crouched in the doorway, frightened but all right, her son Bailey wrapped around her, and Zola leaning up against the other side of the doorframe, trying to put on a brave face for her mother.

"Are you all right?" Cassie asked.

Meredith grimaced and nodded, "You?"

Cassie nodded too, although she couldn't help the edge of worry creeping up on her.

The floor vibrated and she ducked down, covering her head and waiting it out.

Beside her, Meredith exhaled slowly, stroking her son's hair as the aftershock faded.

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