Chapter Twenty-Three

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Ready for something else.

Her words were playing over and over again in his mind, like a mantra.

Beneath the light of the moon, she looked exquisite. It didn't matter that her dress was torn down the front. That her cheeks were flushed. That her hair was messy or her back was scarred.

Meg said she was ready for something else.

Not sex, but something else.

He didn't want to get any ideas.

Wouldn't survive them—

The thought of taking her mouth right now was too much to think on. Because, good lord, he'd dominate her mouth. Their kiss would be as good as sex, his tongue sensuously fucking hers. He'd make damn sure it felt like sex. Like heaven exploding in her mouth. He'd shake her right down to her core.

Claudio couldn't entertain any possibilities. He couldn't let his mind nor body get ahead of him.

She reached for his hand as he rubbed his lips together. They felt chapped all of a sudden. Like he needed the moisture from her mouth to bring them back to normal.

Good Gods, he was getting ahead of himself.

He opened his mouth to speak, just as the door to the balcony swung open.

Moment ruined, just as he went to say something. Damn it. What was I going to say?

Meg looked equally disappointed.

She didn't know what she'd been expecting.

Maybe he'd have kissed her. Maybe he wouldn't have. She didn't know, and that was the worst part.

Disappointed, she turned her gaze to the door, where a tall brunette was making her way into sight.

Ruby. Meg's mood soured.

"Oh." The demoness looked shocked, but Megan knew it was forced. She saw that look on her face. The way Ruby glanced between them. "King Claudio. Miss Megan. I didn't expect to see you out here."

What was that feeling?


Meg was jealous of the demoness. Jealous she'd known the King for longer. Jealous they were one and the same.

But sense told Megan this woman was just as jealous of her. Meg didn't like those longing looks she gave the King. Those looks of downright yearning.

"Ruby," Claudio greeted. The demoness' eyes fluttered down, noticing the bulge in his trousers. They darted over to Meg, whose dress was woefully torn at the boobs.

Meg didn't like her seeing him in that state. She didn't like it one bit. She wanted this side of him all to herself.

Possessively, Meg took a step closer to his side.

The demoness swallowed thickly. "My apologies Sir, did I disrupt you?"

"No." Gods, he sounded just as flustered as she felt. "We were just finishing up."

What it was they were finishing up on, neither of them knew.

It'd go down as an interesting date night for sure.

Ruby shuffled from foot to foot. Just leave already!

"Whilst I'm here, can I get you anything?"

"No," Claudio said. "I think we'll be heading to bed now." He glanced to his side where Meg stood, not knowing where to look. "Is that alright with you?"

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