The beginning

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All I wanted was for spring break to come around to go boating with my parents, but right now I'd rather go to school every day than be right where I am. It's been a while since all this started. I am spending what I think is my ninth birthday locked up, with my neighbor Irene, bitten, and several walkers outside the room where we are.

She took care of me for a while... She also lost her family, when our neighborhood started having sick people. We tried to make a shelter for those of us who were left, but a bitten person entered the shelter. In the night he turned, and then he finished with everyone. My mother and father, they were bitten to save me. There were no goodbyes. They asked Irene to take care of me, she accepted. She went with my parents to church. Thanks to Irene and Marcus, her boyfriend is that I'm alive.

Irene hypothesizes that this is all the work of the devil, and refuses to kill walkers. We have been lucky to run away from them. Outside of town we find an abandoned motel where we have stayed, until now. Just today in the afternoon, while I was waiting for them to finish looking for food, I heard Irene crying in the distance. Then Irene enters the room but not before blocking the door so that nothing happens.

Irene: Marcus, he's dead... No, it can't be. This is all because of you. He wanted to go out and find food for you, and that's why they bit him. I hope you enjoy this apple, because it will be the last thing you will eat. We are locked up and I am bitten, this is the end.

I see how Irene is bitten, and she has started to scream, throwing an apple at me. His screams bring a few walkers to the outer gate. Still shaken by the news, I tried to calm Irene down, but she wasn't reacting. A few hours pass and she is already silent, on the other side of the room. Looking for something to hurt herself.

Y/N: Sorry, I didn't want Marcus to die, and get bitten. We have to get out of here, please.- Irene: Shut up. Find something to kill us with. I don't want to become one of them.At that moment the noise of a car is heard arriving, which makes Irene nervous again. Then I hear a voice outside.

???: Hello, is anyone there?

The strange person tried to open the door. He was about to answer until Irene stood up and started screaming.

Irene: who are you? are you bitten? Get out of here.

???: No, I'm not bitten, I'm just looking for some gasoline, let me help you...

Several footsteps were heard, as if more people were here at the motel. The stranger left. You could tell something was going on outside.

-Irene: I'm not going to let anyone in, get the hell out of here.

Another half hour passed and Irene looked more and more lunatic, screaming and cursing. Until it is possible to hear how the walkers that are outside the room are knocked down one by one. The voice from before is heard, accompanied by 2 more.

????2: Hello in there? we're here to help.

Irene tells me to be quiet, and she speaks

Irene: Please just go away!

?????3: let's go guys... She doesn't want help

????1: Give me a minute... if you open the door, we can take you to a safe place, we have people in town.

Irene: no, please not!

????: she is in trouble..

????1: Miss, we are coming in...

I hear how someone tries to open the door outside, I already prepared myself for the worst. Irene then stands behind the door.

-Irene: stop, stop... We are coming out 

Irene opens the door and goes out, I go out after her, scared. There are 3 people, two men and a girl. The girl brings a weapon, and the other two bring an ax and a cap.

-Man of the axe: You are hurt... and you have a child with you.

Girl with a gun: Oh god.

-Irene: I said stay away.

-Man in the cap: But we need to get you help

-Irene: it's too late for that.

Girl with the gun: Guys, she's been bitten

Man with cap: What!? the boy looks good.

-Irene: I told you, go away, I'm bitten but you wouldn't  just leave.

-Axe man: Let's just calm down, you could be fine. I also see that nothing happened to the child.

He starts talking to me:

-Lee: Hi, I'm Lee, this is Carley and Glenn.

Y/N: Hi, I'm Y/N. She is Irene. Come on, they are good people. Maybe you can recover.

-Irene: no, I'm not going to be fine, they bit my boyfriend and my family. You get sick and you die. Then you come back and you kill everything you can find... And it's all this kid's fault.

I see Glenn look down.

Glenn: You have a boyfriend...

Carley: Glenn!

-Irene: And I don't want that, that's not christian. please just go...

Lee: okay we'll leave... just take care of yourself for the time you have left. But you have a boy with you.

Irene's gaze fell on Carley's gun.

-Irene you have a gun!

Carley: so..?

Irene: Can I borrow it?

Carley: what do you mean by that?

Irene : Give it to me, so I can, you know... end with this and then there's no problem.

Y/N: She wants to hurt herself, please don't give it to her.

Lee: Wait, you don't mean...

Irene: Please, I don't want to be one of them, they are satanic...

Lee: We can't let you do that, especially in front of the boy

Irene: Then do it for me!

Carley: We have to go now.

-Irene: Give it to me now, please

Irene slowly approaches Carley...

Glenn: This is crazy, please, step back.

Irene: It's just two seconds and a bullet, so I'll be with my family and I'll be fine.. Give it to me.

Irene started to try to take the gun from Carley, and in the struggle the platform fell from where we were, hurting my knee a little. In the end Irene found the gun.

Lee: Don't worry, we want to help you. Please don't do it, think about it. We can find you a doctor to help you.

Irene: You can't help me...

Lee: No!

Irene did, she shot herself in the head. Right next to me, it was so graphic that even Glenn threw up, and my ears rang. So, I took the gun that Irene used, planning to do what Irene did...There was no one else to take care of me, and she said that by doing what she did, she would be reunited with her family, which is what she loved the most, my family. I don't even know if it will hurt or not.

Lee: You don't have to end up like her, we'll take care of you. Please. We have 2 kids, who can be your friends. Let's go.

Carley: We have to go.

All the noise we made attracted walkers. I decided to go with them. I handed the gun to Carley and ran as fast as I could, my knee hurt. They had a car. We got on and managed to run away. I hope I made a good decision. Apparently they have a group in a pharmacy.

TWD. The other kid. Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now